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为什么医生管他们所做的事情叫做“实习、实践”?Why is it that doctors call what they do " practic"?

不符合准则或规范的人不服从,或拒绝被既定的信仰,风俗,或规则约束的人。One who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practic es.

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研究方法具有创新性,研究结论对于实践具有积极的借鉴意义。Research methods are Innovative. The conclusion of the study e has a positive reference to the practic.

文章重点阐述了这两类调色剂的结构通式,制备范例,使用方法和应用效果。Briefly are outlined their general formulae, preparation examples, usage methods and practic al results.

很多录音带上的发音不标准。别浪费时间跟着练习糟糕的发音!Mani tape don t have standard pronunciation. Don t wast your time follow and practic poor pronunciation!

借鉴美国、日本等国开发落后地区的法律实践,我国西部大开发也应走依法开发的道路。The legal practic of America and Japan in developing backward areas provides valuable lessons for us to.

并以案例分析和现场演练的方式,让学员亲身体验如何进行有效的采购谈判。Case study and practic will make the participants experience how to perform effective purchasing negotiation.

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作为构建模式的一项内容,还尝试性地提出了中学化学教育生态模式的学生评价方法、及模式实践的评价。I bring up its students valuation methods and its valuations of practic as a try , these are a piece of its content.

教用户们在网站上的网站用户原因最佳安全习惯有助手缓解一些此类威胁。Teaching users best practices for being safe on the Web can help mitigate some of these practic import mitig threats.

实践表明,该机床性能可靠、工作稳定、制造成本低,是一种低成本、低消耗的加工设备。Practic al applications proved that the performance of the machine is reliable and stable with low manufacturing cost.

但是,由于顾客满意度测量在国内才刚刚起步,无论是其理论基础还是实践经验,都有待探讨。But as the research in the domestic just started, both its theory foundation and practic experience are all need to inquiry into.

实践证明,运用质量控制动态模式是施工阶段控制工程质量最有效的方法。The practic proved that the dynamic quality control model is an effective method for project quality control during construction.

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推而广之,在现场识别低阻油气层中具有一定的实用价值。Through spreading and applying, it has a certain practic al value for the identification of the on-site low-resistivity pay zones.

工程公司实行项目经理负责制和实施矩阵式管理,是国际上通行的做法。It is a common practic for engineering company abroad to apply the system of Project manager in charge and the matrix type management.

结合零藏口节制闸工程,提出了工序质量控制点的设置方法和控制措施,对施工工序质量进行动态监控,取得了显著效果。This article puts forward the setting method and control measures for process quality control points, which have obvious practic al effect.

鹤岗矿务局选煤厂多年来投入大量资金、人力、物力致力于洗水闭路循环实践,基本达到了一级洗水闭路循环标准。Lot of fund and people have been put into the washing water close-cycling practic for many years . It has reached to the first class standard.

为了练习外国语口语,我在网上找了一位美国女孩和两位日本人,他们都在学习中文。In order to practic the ability of speaking foreign language, I found a American girl and two Japanese people who are studying Chinese on the web.

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加强实践教学必须规范管理,有明确的质量标准和切实可行的管理模式。Strengthening practice teaching must standardize management first. The clear quality standards and practic management style should be estabilished.

脱离实际的防尘标准,只能导致实际工作中的虚夸与浮躁,不利于防尘工作的正常开展。Irrelevant standard for dust control would only cause exaggeration and impulsion in the practical work, and hinder the dust control practic to be carried out effectively.

有效数字在分析工作中具有重要意义,它的记录、修约、计算有严格的规定,在实践中具有重要的应用和指导意义。Valid Figure is significance for analysis work. A Strict regulation is acted in its recording and revising and calculating. The regulation is applicated widely in analysis practic.