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是开放性、联想性、科学性的思维。And it should be open, associational and scientific.

选择不同的基本单位,这种联系也大相径庭。But depending on the unit chosen, the associational networks will differ.

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可以以法位学的角度来理解语言联系的本质。So you can understand the associational nature of signs also as tagmemic.

第二章是对行业协会处罚权的来源和性质的论述。Chapter Two explores the property and source of associational penalty power.

描述皮质主要和联结的区域的机能重要。Describe the functional importance of the primary and associational cortical areas.

基督教大学和教会成为人们学习、参与和管理各种协会的平台。These also became laboratories for learning how to participate and manage associational life.

其中的“物象原样兴现”即指托物起兴。Therein, " associational representation of things" means poetical development by association with things.

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我们要考虑的组合性自动作用的形式特徵是事件的发生像是一连串。The formal characteristic of the associational automatism to be considered is that events occur in chains.

现在很多教育者开始把联想法应用到教学中,从而提高学生的创造思维能力。Many educators have tried to apply associational psychology to education, mainly to the education of creativity.

表达多维数组中记录间的关联运算和多维数组的压缩方法。The associational operation between records in multi-dimension array and compressing method of multi-dimension army are stated.

表达多维数组中记录间的关联运算和多维数组的压缩方法。The associational operation between records in multi-dimension array and compressing method of multi-dimension array are stated.

人工神经网络是一种具有高度非线性、自学习、动态处理、联想记忆、容错性等特征的复杂网络。ANN is a kind of complicated network with characters of highly non-linear, self-study, dynamic management, associational memory, and tolerance of error, etc.

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兴,就是起兴,是借助其他事物作为诗歌发端,以引起所要歌咏的内容。Association, i. e. associational development, refers to making associations with some things in order to develop a poem, so that what is to be actually communicated can be brought about.

神经网络的联想记忆功能、容错性和鲁棒性以及很好的非线性映射能力,使得这一方法明显优于传统的诊断方法。The associational memory function, error-correction, robustness and the well non-linear reflection ability make the proposed method superior to the traditional dictionary method apparently.

联想主义心理学、完形心理学、建构主义心理学、多元智能理论、进步主义、整体主义、知识论、信息技术基础。These thoughts consist of associational psychology, Gestalt psychology, constructive psychology, multi-intelligence theory, progressivism, holisms. knowledge theory and information technology.

因此,人的理性极大地依赖于心理的和人工的联想与索引手段,这些手段使得存储的记忆在做决策所需时可以获取。Hence, human rationality relies heavily upon the psychological and artificial associational and indexing devices that make the store of memory accessible when needed for the making of decisions.

在研究方法上,采用文献分析法、访谈法、内隐测验法、问卷调查法等多种方法,避免了单一研究方法的局限。The second innovation is in the method, the mix of different methods, such as document analysis, interview, implicit associational test, questionnaire, avoids the limits of using just one method.