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这是虚荣心!This is indolence.

什么是懒惰的死亡?What is death from indolence?

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什么是懒惰和什么不懒惰?What is indolence and what is not?

不要使我偏离到懒惰和骄傲。Draw me not aside to indolence and pride.

什么是懒惰和什么不懒惰?One of the weaknesses of human being is indolence.

但是,即使我们出于怠惰,懒散这样做了。But even when we do that out of indolence and sloth.

好没来写东西了。主要是懒惰的原因。五一已经来到了。I have not write my blog for a long time because of my indolence.

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时光的天性就是沉静,它不会因此而责备自己的懒惰。The natural day is very calm, and will hardly reprove his indolence.

当然,不痛类型的网站对UEO也有着不同的要求。Of course, the website of indolence type also is having diverse demand to UEO.

切勿蒙受年轻为不充分的藉口,也不要用年纪或名声作为懒惰的藉口。Never suffer youth to be an excuse for inadequacy, nor age and fame to be an excuse for indolence.

渐渐地握丢弃了一贯的懒散与低落,开始学会忍耐,坚持与勤奋不辍。Gradually I get away the negligence and indolence , And I learn to restrain, persist and resume diligence.

来月经前左下腹经常疼痛,来了就不痛了是什么原因?Before forthcoming month classics left next abdomens often ache, came with respect to indolence what reason is?

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我见过这样的事,就在上周,我的懒惰导致两家公司多花费了八十工时。I have seen this happen. Just last week my minor crimes of indolence cost two companies about eighty man-hours.

这是种特殊的掩饰,用来安慰现在自己的懒惰、自己的放纵。The said concealment is a special kind of varnish, which is used to comfort my own indolence and indulgence now.

本品系银杏提取精华,对顽固性痤疮,又组织液渗出,伤口不愈合者有特效,。Extracted essence from gingko, It has obvious effect stubborn acne, effusion of tissue fluid and indolence of cut.

手术后使用的镇痛棒是什么东西?为什么用了就不痛了?什么原理?。What thing is the demulcent stick that uses after the operation? Why to use with respect to indolence? What principle?

怎么样缓解神经性头痛?有没有好的方法不痛?痛的时候该做些什么来缓解呢?How to alleviate does nerve sex have a headache? Have good methodological indolence? Painful when what should do to alleviate?

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是的,一个国王应该力戒惰与傲,这两个弊病一般使他无从得到人民的爱戴。Yea, the king had better amend his own indolence or arrogance, for these two vices generally cause his people either to despise him or to hate him.

因定作人怠于答复等原因造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。Where losses are caused to the contractor due to the client's indolence in response or like reasons, the client shall hold the liability for losses.

近年来,出现了具有高分辨率、电子成像、无痛、无创等特点的无线电子内窥镜。In recent years, wireless electronic endoscopes with characteristics such as high-resolution, electronic formation of image, indolence have appeared.