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请半开着门。Leave the door ajar.

左侧有一扇门半掩着。A door to the left stood ajar.

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我把所有的门都半开着哩。I have left all the doors ajar.

最近你总任由你的浴室门处于半掩状态?Do you leave the bathroom door ajar these days?

为了使她平静下来,我就将窗子打开了几秒钟。To pacify her, I held the casement ajar a few seconds.

她打开最后一个柜子,看到里面一个暗门,微开着。She opens the final cabinet and sees a false back, slightly ajar.

儿时的乡村,是可以夜不闭户的。During my childhood days, house doors could be left ajar at night.

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防爆门半开半掩能够促进通风。Ventilation is facilitated by the entry blast door remaining ajar.

比起平时冬季的那扇半开的门,那一年的门来得还更冻人些。It was a door even more glacial than that of winter which was ajar.

有时房门会慢慢打开,敞着不动。Then, sometimes, the door slowly opens and gapes ajar for a moment.

新的一年如期降临,2008年的钟声敲开天下每一扇半开半闭的门。The new year's bell of 2008 has opened every ajar door in the world.

过了几分钟门终于拉成半开,她得以通过了。After some minutes the door was sufficiently ajar for her to slip out.

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结果他拒绝回答,留下了一扇虚掩的门——一切皆有可能。He declined to answer, leaving the door to that possibility slightly ajar.

作家J·K·罗琳似乎为哈利·波特系列的第八部留了后路。Author J.K. Rowling has apparently left the door ajar for an eighth Harry Potter novel.

门半掩着,在发霉的石灰浆和陈年的蜘蛛网的臭气中,解下了背带。Leaving the door ajar , amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces.

门是半开着的,莫恩格林小心地凝视着,手习惯性地向剑柄伸去。The door was ajar . Mourngrym peered in cautiously, hand going to his sword hilt out of long habit.

当她再次出现在我面前时,她全身上下一丝不挂。她轻轻地将浴室门半闭上,里面的灯也没有关。随后,又快速地拉掉另一盏灯,接着向床上跳去。She left the bathroom door slightly ajar with its light on and swiftly turned off the other light and came to bed.

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门是微开着的,库普切克轻瞥了一眼,韦斯特在黑暗中坐在他的桌子上,充满血丝的眼睛呆呆的看着前方。With the door ajar , Kupchak peeked in. West was seated at his desk in the dark, staring straight ahead, eyes bloodshot.

春天的气味,也从半开的窗缝里溜进来,眼前的一切都让来者感觉舒爽宜人。Vernal odour, also seam from ajar window in smooth come in, everything before lets arrival feel Shu Shuang is delightful.

桌子上放着一盏熄灭了的提灯,窗板半开,亮光照在半开的保险柜上。On the table stood a dark-lantern with the shutter half open, throwing a brilliant beam of light upon the iron safe, the door of which was ajar.