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你好,我的曼恩是艾达。Hello, My mame is Ada.

埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。Ada had a wrinkled, simian face.

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埃达向我介绍了她的未婚夫。Ada introduced her intended to me.

这正是艾达昆赛脱狡狯之处。That was what ada quonsetf astutely intended.

埃达惹得一个名叫加特的人恨她,于是加特把她吃了。Ada made a Gator hate her, so the Gator ate her.

母亲的口误使艾达和吉蒂笑得前仰后合。This slip of their mother's convulsed Ada and Kitty.

艾达来了以后,虽然一脸微笑但似乎有点紧张。When Ada arrived she was smiling but seemed nervous.

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他们也建议每天用洁牙线剔牙至少一次。The ADA also recommends flossing at least once daily.

艾达为她挑的服装她一件也看不上。Ada for her pick clothing she a also does not approve.

埃达很小的时候既会跳舞又会唱歌。Ada could sing as well as dance when she was very young.

阿达伸手到仪表板上关闭了车前灯。Ada reached to the dashboard and cut off the headlights.

不过艾达因为失明,所以从来没有学过骑自行车。But Ada had never learned to ride a bike. Ada was blind.

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我也不知道为什么,但是我跟着安达上车了。I don't know why but I went on taking trams with Ada Ida.

艾达·布朗--新的业务代表?很高兴认识你!Ada Brown, the new sales representative? Nice to meet you!

导演让你和埃达扮演两个姊妹。The director has cast you and Ada in the parts of the sisters.

德拉姆太太认为艾达的门第好,就邀请她到彭杰去做客。Mrs Durham regarded Ada as a favourable line and invited her to Penge.

艾达以画画开始,可是后来扩大了活动范围,现在也做玩具了。Ada began as an artist but has branched out and is making toys as well.

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学会攀岩后,艾达终于克服了恐高症。Ada was able to surmount her fear of heights by learning to rock climb.

埃达断言那个矮个子男人就是那天晚上袭击她的人。Ada asserted that the short man was the one who attacked her that night.

修复齿科是美国牙科学会所认许的八个牙科专门领域之一。Prosthodontics is one of the eight dental specialties recognized by the ADA.