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爱一滴水就是爱全世界。Loving a glob is loving a globe.

我不小心掉了一团芥末在裤子上。I dropped a glob of mustard on my pants.

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您还可以根据需要重复使用通配符匹配操作符。You can also repeat glob operators as necessary.

所有形状可能向这颗水珠被运用由吹空气。Any shapes can be applied to this glob by blowing air in.

感觉好像有一些小水珠在你皮肤下。It probably feels like a little glob of Jello under your skin.

如果这块冰,变成火呢?含在嘴里的火。What if the ice turns into fire? A glob of fire in your mouth.

负责封装机日常维修和年度维护工作。Be responsible for the glob top machines' repair and periodic maintenance.

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粒子群优化算法是一类简单有效的随机全局优化技术。Particle swarm optimizers are a simple stochastic glob al optimization technique.

他们说,这个理念的目标在于创造一种用肥皂洗手的文化。The glob goal, they say, is to create a culture the course of hand washing with soap.

这只小小的螨虫在至少四千四百万年前爬上了一只蜘蛛的背,结果蜘蛛却跌进了粘稠的树胶里。This tiny mite climbed onto a spider's back at least 44 million years ago, but the spider stumbled into a glob of sticky tree sap.

你得到了一团东西,如果你把它们混合就会得到一堆小油脂团,或者说一堆甘油三酯团,如果你搅动它的话,油脂会浮在水上You get glob if you mix it you get globlets of oil, or globlets of triglycerides, they're floating around in the fluid if you mix it.

由于这些序列也都很易通过本地比对方法找到,现在全局比对也有些被认为只是一种技巧。As these sequences are also easily identified by loc al alignment methods glob al alignment is now somewhat deprec ated as a technique.

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除了狂热的宗教人士和对人的胚胎发育过程一无所知的人,没有谁会认为那样的一团没分化、感觉的细胞是一个人。Human embryo stem cell research makes use of day five embryos which are just a glob no thicker than a needle and have yet to split cells.

在经济与社会方面,现代改革的关键因素是知识与全球电子信息的增长。Key parameters of modern change processes in many economies and societies are the growth of knowledge and glob al digital information potential.

让我惊奇的是,她拧开我洗衣机加洗衣粉的小孔,将洗衣液高高举起,倒了一大堆洗衣液进去,嘴里还咕咕唧唧地说着一串法语。To my surprise, she popped open the detergent lid on my machine, held the bottle aloft and poured in a big glob , all the while muttering something in French.

你必须去创造它,用你的双手塑造一个从未加工的原材料,将一个不成形的泥团捏成规则的形状。You must create it, taking from the world the raw materials you need and shaping it with your bare dirty blistered hands, pushing the clay into form from its shapeless muddy glob.

这种能量碰巧与主管深层心的奥秘得第八宫中的一团能量混杂在一起,而第八宫的主星是金星,常常代表着喜悦。This energy happens to blend with a big huge glob of energy in your mysterious solar 8th house of deep emotions. In this 8th house will be Jupiter, a planet that often represents joy.

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参赛者作品必须为原创且由纯素食制作而成的仿制鹅肝,其口感和质感要求能与真正的禽类肥肝相媲美,并能够打败众多竞争者方可获胜。The winner must produce an original, purely vegetarian faux foie gras comparable in taste and texture to the real glob of prized bird fat, and the winning recipe must beat out all other entries.

但最真实的莫过于数学真理,因此当我看到数学盲经理人们无耻地盗用数学真理,渴望为一些无聊的废话披上真理的外衣时,我就会感到心烦意乱。Truest of all are mathematical truths, and it is therefore upsetting to see them being pilfered shamelessly by innumerate managers eager to lend an aura of fact to what is usually a glob of guff.

有时太阳风会携带着数十亿吨的等离子球,如果大量的等离子球进入地球磁场,将酿成毁灭性的灾难。From time to time, that wind carries a billion-tonne glob of plasma, a fireball known as a coronal mass ejection. If one should hit the Earth's magnetic shield, the result could be truly devastating.