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说的有点不对。So this is kind of a misinterpretation of that idea.

这实际是对麦克卢汉的误读。This is actually a misinterpretation to Mcluhan's theories.

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难道是我的性别会让他们产生误解?Does my sex have something to do with their misinterpretation of reality?

信用违约调期市场的相对流动性欠缺可能使其遭致很多误读。The illiquidity of the CDS market means it can be prone to misinterpretation.

这种对灵知主义的错误解读意味着异教研究的某种现代变种。This misinterpretation of Gnosticism amounts to a modern variant of heresiology.

一些享乐主义者声称,这一反对享乐主义就在于误解。Some hedonists claim that this objection rests on a misinterpretation of hedonism.

对此的误读以及由此造成的影响,亟待辨正。The consequent misinterpretation as well as the negative impact should be addressed.

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这种“禁赌新思维”实际上是对我国现行禁赌政策的曲解。This "new thinking", in fact, is a misinterpretation of our present policy on banning gambling.

这一点我们必须记得,否则我们生活中会有许多误解。This we must remember or we shall add to all the other burdens of life the gall of misinterpretation.

这会导致对企业数据源中包含的数据的误解和误传。This can lead to misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the data contained in the enterprise data source.

他提醒说把美军的撤出看作是孤立主义是一种误解。He warned that it would be a misinterpretation if anyone saw the US withdrawal as a move towards isolationism.

这是两个截然不同的观念,但错误的解读造成某些人、甚至整个社会对金钱避之不及。These are two wholly different things, but the misinterpretation causes some people, even whole societies, to shun money.

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故意曲解,作为一种语言策略,隐藏了讲话者在会话中的会话动机。This article is intended to explore the triggering conditions of deliberate misinterpretation in terms of relevance theory.

太牵强了,你也许会这样想,但这样误解或过度反应的官方案例有大量文件记载。Far-fetched, you might think, but just such instances of misinterpretation and over-reaction by officials are well-documented.

在这方面,要规定比较详细的法令,以防止对自主权的曲解和滥用。In this connection, detailed laws and decrees should be drafted to prevent misinterpretation or abuse of decision-making power.

重奖和热捧奥运金牌选手,其实是对奥林匹克精神的曲解。Giving substantial rewards and recognition to Olympic gold medalists is actually a misinterpretation of the spirit of the Olympics.

指出这一误传是特定的历史环境与普遍的历史误读两方面的理由造成。The article thinks out that the special historical environment and the common historical misinterpretation cause the misinformation.

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每个家族都有自己情绪化和戏剧性的风格,所以减少误解或者情感爆发的几率至关重要。Every tribe has its more emotional and melodramatic types, and so it's crucial to limit the chances of misinterpretation or outbursts.

“由于此举明显非常谨慎,所以我不会将其称之为一个错误,但我会将其看作一种误解”。I wouldn't call it a mistake, because it was quite deliberate obviously, but I think it was just a misinterpretation of what should happen.

在使用及翻译实践中,由于对其实际意义把握不准确而常常出现误用误译的情况。In our practice of reading and translation, misinterpretation and misuse of them often occurs due to inaccurate grasp of their true meaning.