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在虚拟世界里存在某种知识或认识吗?Is there an episteme in virtual worlds?

而特定的“知识型”又跟特定的权力运作方式纠缠在一起。And specific "episteme" is closely related to the specific power mode.

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知识对我们很重要,所以,当我们还年轻,我们应该多学一点。Episteme is very important to us, so we should learn more when we are young.

他们需要在不同层面上对知识进行建构来获取新知识。They need to construct the episteme system in their brain in different layer.

人的死亡标志旧的知识型的崩溃和新的知识型的诞生。Mans death marks not only the breakup of the old episteme but also the emergence of the new one.

古典存在论可被视为真知-逻辑地说-是者三方结构。Classical ontology can be regarded as a combination of"episteme", "logically speaking", and"being.

还存在着一个理智能够认识的可知世界,它是真理的源泉。There is also a intelligible world which could be known by dianoia , it is the source of episteme.

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古典存在论可被视为真知-逻辑地说-是者的三方结构。The key problem in the classical ontology is that in order to acquire episteme , what does Being have to be.

人生有限,学海无涯。知识对我们很重要,所以,当我们还年轻,我们应该多学一点。Art is long , but life is short . episteme is very important to us, so we should learn more when we are young.

她们的叙述事实上构成了对翻译研究与认识型在学术有效性上的质疑。Their narrations have actually leaded to the oppugning of scientific validity of translation studies and episteme.

知识与知识观是两个不同的概念,然而在追求知识的过程中,二者总是被等同。Episteme and epistemology are two different concepts, but they are always considered as identical in the pursuit of episteme.

另一方面,不同时期的认识型也在这一时期的翻译研究中投射并运行它自己的整体。On the other hand, the episteme rules of different period will project and run itself in the Translation Studies in that period.

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在中国人传统的道德观念里,“安贫乐道”的思想向来深受儒家推崇。In Chinese conventional moral notion, the idea of "put up with poverty and enjoying episteme" always be advocated by Confucianism.

工厂拥有多名精干的开发人员,以专业的知识、丰富的经验服务至上的客户。The factory holds many crack development personnel, service for the customer with the professional episteme and abundant experience.

建构主义教学法要求在学习过程中让学习者主动在头脑内部建构知识。The learners are asked to construct the episteme system in their brain actively by the constructivism theory when they are learning.

其次,就赵树理文学的“现代型”和“现实主义”两个方面,评析了国外赵树理研究的价值独特性。Then, it offers comments on the unique value of the overseas Zhao Shuli Studies in terms of the "modern episteme" and "realism" in Zhao's writings.

随着教育研究的深入,实践思维已初现端倪,在主体及其实践的基础上整合了实体思维和关系思维。With the further educational research going on smoothly, phronesis which is being formed integrates episteme with relation thinking based on mans subject.

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多元化巨型大学理念、终身教育理念、高等教育大众化理论和知识经济理论四方面构成了我国硕士研究生培养目标多样化的理论基础。Its academic foundation consists of the idea of pluralistic multiversity, the idea of long-life education, higher education in a popular style and episteme economy.

学生学习数学,不仅要掌握教学大纲所规定的数学实践知识、技能和能力,而且要掌握数学思维的方法,促进思维的发展。Students must mastery not only episteme and ability, which didactical outline stipulates, but also ways and means mathematic thinking, that can develop their thinking.

但是,由于义理之学所依托的历史条件不同,故而在知识依据、思想旨趣、知识形态等诸多方面均有自己的传统内涵,而不同于西方哲学。While, we think, Chinese traditional learning has the philosophy connotation with its own episteme backgrounds and way of thinking, which differs from the western philosophy.