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站名用拼音标注。Station names are marked in pinyin.

是从拼音开始学起吗?Are you starting your learning from Pinyin?

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丁香园的愿景是,让健康更多,让疾病更少。DXY is short for lilac garden in Chinese Pinyin.

v拼音五笔同时输入、混合输入。V Wubi Pinyin input at the same time, mixed input.

我不能手写中文,但我还可以通过输入拼音。I can't handwrite Chinese but I can type in pinyin.

拼音就是把两个或两个以上的音发成一个复合的声音。Pinyin is a combination sound of two or more phonemes.

汉语拼音是学习或者使用汉语和汉字的工具。Pinyin is a tool for learning or using Hanyu and Hanzi.

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我爱你、几个字拼音加起来就是你对我的感情。I love you, a few words Pinyin add up is your feelings for me.

可以用汉字,第一个拼音首字母,或者英语进行查询。You can use Chinese, first letter of pinyin or English to search.

我能用汉语拼音拼出我的名字。I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin , the Chinese phonetic alphabet.

我在上小学时,老师教我们学习汉语拼音。I was in primary school, the teachers teach us to learn Hanyu Pinyin.

拼音就像“芝麻开门”,为人们敞开了大门”他说。Pinyin is like a kind of 'Open sesame,' opening up the doors," he says.

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拼音流转换技术是当前解决汉字输入问题的一个新方向。The Pinyin Stream conversion is a new approach to Chinese character input.

另最好汉语拼音也不要跟著语音自然变迁而一直修正。Also one hopes Hanyu Pinyin will stay frozen and not change with the language.

反对汉语拼音的言论违背语言学常识。Oppositon to the use of Chinese Pinyin violates the common sense of linguistics.

您的用户名为姓名拼音无空格,密码为您拨打800的PIN码。Your username is your name in PINYIN without space, password is your 800 PIN code.

字条内容采用汉语、拼音和英语相对照的形式,便于不同水平的学习者使用。The content of each entry is both in Chinese and English, and also transcribed in pinyin.

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本发明公开了一种拼音输入法数据的存储方法及处理方法。The invention discloses methods for storing and processing data in a Pinyin input method.

在手机应用如此普遍和全球一体化的时代,我们用拼音与世界交流。In the era of mobile phones and globalization we use Pinyin to communicate with the world.

大部分人也会讲普通话,年轻人还可以在学校里学习汉语拼音。Most also speak Putonghua. Younger Chinese today are also studying Hanyu Pinyin in school.