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铅是一种神经毒素。Lead is a neurotoxin.

事实上,我们买的枕头,有些是浸泡到神经毒素里。In fact, we take our pillows, we douse them in a neurotoxin.

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汞是一种很厉害的的神经毒素,可以伤害到发育中的胎儿。Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can harm a developing fetus.

软骨藻酸是由一些微藻产生的强毒素。Domoic acid is a powerful neurotoxin produced by one kind of microalgae.

烟草中的尼古丁是一种神经毒素,主要侵害人的神经系统。Nicotine in tobacco is a neurotoxin , mainly against the nervous system.

科学家将寻找含有最低浓度的这种神经毒素的品种。Researchers will search for varieties with low levels of this neurotoxin.

铅是一种被证实了的神经毒素,它可以导致学习,语言和行为能力障碍。Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language and behavioral problems.

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蝎毒基因与昆虫几丁质酶基因都是重要的抗虫基因。Both scorpion neurotoxin gene and chitinase gene are valuable for producing transgenic crops.

测试过样品的科学家们指出,这两只狗的死亡是由自然产生的神经毒素造成的。Scientists who tested samples said the deaths were caused by a naturally occurring neurotoxin.

印度防己有效成份是毛果芸香碱。它是一种神经毒素。不可多用。The active ingredient of Coccolus indica is picrotoxin . It is a neurotoxin. Do not over dose.

细菌厌氧,革兰氏阳性,孢子形成燃料棒产生强大的。The bacteria are anaerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming rods that produce a potent neurotoxin.

蜱瘫痪是由雌性蜱唾液中发现的一种神经毒素引起的疾病。Tick paralysis is a disease in dogs caused by a neurotoxin found in the saliva of female ticks.

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老鼠的海马体不同部分都被选择性地用神经毒素进行损坏。Different parts of the rat's hippocampus were selectively 'lesioned, ' or disabled, using a neurotoxin.

软骨藻酸还可能造成吃了这些中毒鱼类的动物神经紊乱和死亡。Domoic acid can also cause neurological disorders and death in animals that eat fish poisoned with the neurotoxin.

本发明涉及一类新的针对眼镜蛇神经毒素的亲和层析介质及其制备方法。The present invention relates to new affinity chromatography mediums for cobra neurotoxin and its preparation method.

汞是一种有名的神经毒素,能够引起认知和发育方面的问题,特别是胎儿和儿童。Mercury is a well-known neurotoxin that can cause cognitive and developmental problems, especially in fetuses and children.

所以,这次陈教授带领的小组向白鼠体脊髓内注射了一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体、归类停靠点。So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site.

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在毒液的“军火库”中,有一种特殊的神经毒素,它能致盲肌肉细胞中的受体。Among the arsenal of weapons in the snakes’ venom is one especially potent neurotoxin that works by binding to receptors on muscle cells.

本发明还涉及用这类新的亲和层析介质纯化生产眼镜蛇神经毒素的新方法。The present invention also relates to the new method of using the new affinity chromatography mediums in purifying and producing cobra neurotoxin.

长期食用草豌豆可能导致瘫痪,因为这种植物制造一种神经毒素——这让人们需要在饥饿或瘫痪之间做出选择。Long-term consumption of grass pea can lead to paralysis, as the plant produces a neurotoxin — giving people a choice between starvation or paralysis.