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她只好撤回她的控告。She had to retract her charge.

瓢虫可以将自己的头缩回到躯体中去。A ladybug can retract its head into its body.

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我现在最后决定撤回辞职报告。Now i have decided to retract resigning report.

它们可收进在机身的舱中。They retract inboard into bays in the fuselage.

在比赛还未重新开始的时候,先取消红牌判罚。Play has not restarted, so retract the red card.

她一言既出,通常不至于撤回。It was not often necessary for her to retract a statement.

我还邀请阿克曼要么收回或捍卫自己的要求。I also invited Akkerman to either retract or defend his claims.

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但是,戈德斯通没有在他发表于华盛顿邮报上的文章中收回这一指控。And Goldstone did not retract that charge in his newspaper article.

是否有方法撤消一个候选点的上报和第二次上报吗?Q. Is there any way to retract a candidate submission or resubmission?

轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回。The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight.

凡拒绝受洗和受洗后反悔的都以死刑论罪。To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death.

主单元是单轮并收起到机身下轮槽中。The main units are single-wheeled and retract into wheel troughs in the fuselage.

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患者也可以在口腔内部自行调整。Patients can also hold the handles to retract more fully for intra-oral photograghs.

她已经对警察局里的人完全承认过了,现在决计无法翻供。She had committed herself so fully to the policeman that she could not well retract.

牵引器置入肱骨内上髁嵴牵引肘前部软组织。Retractors can be placed across the medial column to retract the anterior soft tissues.

他强烈地嘲讽了那些认为他的疾病会使他放弃无神论的人。He is scathing about those who suggest his illness might lead him to retract his atheism.

菱形肌收缩肩骨,使其向中线的方向靠拢,从而打开胸廓。The rhomboids retract the scapulae, drawing them towards the midline and opening the chest.

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显然,沙鲁克拒绝收回他的言论和进一步激怒湿婆军。Apparently, Shahrukh refused to retract his statements and that has further irked Shiv Sena.

我既为她的爽约感到不快,又隐隐希望着能够再见到她。I both retract from an engagement for her feel unhappy, and was hoping faintly can see her again.

那演讲者的演讲引起了公开的骚动,而迫使他收回某些声明…The speaker 's speech produced a public katzenjammer which forced him retract certain statements.