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你观察我屠场的起源。You observe the genesis of my abattoir.

我们知道在我们到达之前那是一个屠场。We knew it was an abattoir when we arrived.

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我们有一些刀子在屠宰场。We have some carving knives in the abattoir.

把故事安排在屠场,是别有用心的。To set the film in an abattoir is itself devious.

很快的,它就会被送去屠宰场,就此结束短暂的生命。A short trip to the abattoir and her brief lie is over.

应用这一工艺进行屠宰废水的处理试验。In this paper, ASBR was used to treat abattoir wastewater.

母牛被移动了向屠场和为他们的肉被杀害。The cows were moved to abattoir and be killed for their meats.

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你在屠宰场看过那些屠夫们屠杀猪儿们的恐怖场面吗?Have you ever seen the horrible scene that butchers had butchered pigs in the abattoir?

检验通常由指定的兽医或肉类检验员在屠宰厂进行。The inspection is usually carried out by designated veterinarians or meat inspectors at the abattoir.

秘鲁当地官员成功解救了4000只藏在屠宰场的青蛙。Peruvian officials saved 4,000 frogs from the cocktail blender after they were found hidden in an abattoir.

和动物尸体打交道的人,如宰杀场工人、鞣皮工人等,最容易感染这种类型的炭疽热。Those people handling dead animals, such as abattoir workers and tanners, are at most risk of developing cutaneous anthrax.

因此该组织称,在所有接收澳大利亚活牛活羊的国外屠宰场安装网络摄像头已经刻不容缓。So PETA required that web cameras should be installed immediately in every abattoir still receiving Australian cows and sheep.

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向屠宰厂工人以及生肉生产商开展卫生食品操作方面的教育,对于尽可能降低污染程度至关重要。Education in hygienic food handling for abattoir workers and raw meat producers is essential to keep contamination to a minimum.

这家屠宰场虽然离城镇有一英里,可是来这里的汽车必需经过一片住宅区。The business location is about a mile outside the town, but vehicles have to drive through a residential area to reach the abattoir.

俄国士兵踩在尸体上像屠宰场的屠夫一样把刚刚遇害的人拖到坑里。Russian soldiers were trampling up and down on the corpses, dragging their latest victims into position like butchers in an abattoir.

“我不会去做别的事情,”里克·西摩尔说。他是悉尼一间国营霍姆布什屠宰场公司的屠宰员。Wouldn't be doing anything else, " says Rick Seymour, a slaughterman at the government-owned Homebush Abattoir Corporation in Sydney."

“不能做别的东西,”里克西摩说,一个屠夫工作在政府---拥有的布斯屠宰场公司在悉尼。"Wouldn't be doing anything else, " says Rick Seymour, a slaughterman at the government-owned Homebush Abattoir Corporation in Sydney.

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在茵斯布鲁克从前的屠宰场一处,一个来自19世纪20年代的住宅大厦的边界布局被保留下来。On a site in the former abattoir districtof Innsbruck, the block edge layout of a former housing block from the 1920swas to be retained.

但是他们还是越过了MHS的监管,屠宰厂在没有显著改善的情况下又被允许继续开张经营。They passed up the lines of management in the Meat Hygiene Service. The abattoir was allowed to continue in business without significant improvement.

还在治疗期的动物是禁止离开农场主们的养殖区的,直到他们体内的药物被排泄干净,并且会有专门的人员在屠宰场对肉质进行检验。Farmers are prohibited from taking these animals to market until the drug has left the animal's system, and an inspector has certified the carcass at an abattoir.