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林青霞是个银幕表演经验丰富的演员。Bridgitte Lin Ching Hsia is a veteran actress.

秦祥林和林青霞在「奔向彩虹」电影中的一个镜头。Chin Hsiang-lin and Lin Ching- hsia in a scene from a movie.

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这个故事始于公元前2170年左右在大洪水中的夏代。The story begins around 2170 B. C. after the great flood in the Hsia dynasty.

外交部次长夏立言辞职,原因是外界批评外交部最初拒绝外国援助。Vice Foreign Minister Andrew Hsia resigned over criticism of the ministry's initial rejection of foreign aid offers.

目的以镇咳、祛痰、平喘为药效学指标,跟踪湖北贝母活性部位。Object To track the effective part of antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensi Hsiao et K. C. Hsia.

外交部次长夏立言辞职,原因是外界批评外交部最初拒绝外国援助。Vice Foreign Minister Andrew Hsia resigned over criticism of the ministry's initial rejection of foreign aid offers. Politicians from Mr.

夏医生记得玛丽亚曾告诉她,她洗澡时她的恶心得到了改善,她用Google搜索“热水淋浴改善持续恶心”。Hsia remembered that Maria had told her that her nausea improved when she took a shower and Googled "persistent nausea improved by hot showers".

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宋史座谈会是我国研究宋、辽、金、西夏史学者的自动组合,已有四十五年的历史。The Colloquium on Sung History was organized some forty-five years ago by Chinese scholars for the study of Sung, Liao, Kin, and Si Hsia histories.

结果对比分析了栽培及野生的青贝、松贝和两批栽培川贝母地上部分的生物碱类成分。RESULTS The alkaloids were analyzed in wild and cultivated Fritillaria unibraacteate Hsiaao et K. C. Hsia, F. sungbei Hsiao et K. C. Hsia and in two batches of cultivated herb.

据华东师范大学商学院郭永清、高霞分析,目前,高档住宅的分布呈现出非常明显的新特征。According to East China Normal University Business School Guoyongqing, high Hsia analysis , at present, showing the distribution of high -grade residential obvious new features.

方法采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法直接测定植物中药材的红外光谱。C. Hsia. with FTIR. Methods Their IR spectra were obtained by direct FTIR. Results The infrared spectra of F. cirrhosa, F. thunbergii, F. thunbergii var. chekiangensis were different.

第九期学员成果展,由导演小明明老师亲自授课指导,明霞歌剧团全体学员们演出。The 9th Students Achievement Exhibition of "Ming Hsia Taiwanese Opera" is instructed by director Hsiao Mingming personally and performed by whole students of Ming Hsia Taiwanese Opera.

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夏志清教授曾认为“感时忧国”精神是中国现代文学的主要特征,其他各历史阶段的文学是不存在该精神的。Professor C. T. Hsia argues that "obsession with China" is a distinguishing characteristic of modern Chinese literature that does not exist in the literature of any other historical period.