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有一艘护航舰被鱼雷击中。A frigate was struck by a torpedo.

无论是皇家空军的轰炸机或是鱼雷艇都还没能威胁到她。bomb or torpedo had yet shaken her.

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鱼雷快艇破浪前进。The torpedo boat sheared through the waves.

我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser.

只一枚鱼雷就把敌舰舰身穿了个洞。The enemy's vessel was hulled with only one torpedo.

飞行员驾机滑向拖轮,随后投了鱼雷。As it taxied towards the tug the pilot released his torpedo.

飞行员驾机滑向拖轮,随后投了鱼雷。As it taxied towards the tug the pilot released his torpedo.

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鱼雷艇在第二次世界大战中发挥了重要作用。Torpedo boats played an important role during World War Two.

我立即抬头寻找,看见三艘德国鱼雷艇正在接近海岸。I looked and saw three German torpedo boats approaching the shore.

他的鱼雷准确命中了大和号左舷大概四分之一处。But his torpedo had run true, exploding into Yamato's port quarter.

该系统将目标定位于声诱饵诱骗鱼雷的对抗阶段。The system focuses on the counterwork stage between decoy and torpedo.

做这你应该正正地对准目标而且发出鱼雷。To do this you should aim and set off the torpedo at the right moment.

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一项国际调查显示朝鲜的鱼雷炸沉了天安舰。An international investigation said a North Korean torpedo sank the ship.

并以潜载鱼雷武器系统为例,进?。And using the submarine torpedo weapon system for example for discussion.

同时展望了新型的超空泡鱼雷动力系统。At the same time a new supercavitating torpedo power system is described.

这条通道通向水雷和鱼雷零件库以及燃料储存库。The corridor leading to the mine and torpedo part and to the fuel storage.

国际调查的结论是,北韩鱼雷击沉了天安号。An international investigation concluded a North Korean torpedo hit the ship.

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但是激进的什叶派教士萨德尔威胁要破坏议会的投票。But radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, is threatening to torpedo the vote.

有线制导能够使鱼雷接近致自导引触及目标。The wire guidance enables torpedo to close into homing contact with the target.

对鱼雷处于非设计工况时的参数进行了分析。The non-design condition parameters of torpedo turbine engine were also analyzed.