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乌干达人赞同这一观点。Ugandans endorse this stance.

能麻烦你在支票背面背书吗?Can you endorse the back of check pls?

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难道我们要赞同懒散吗?Does this mean we should endorse laziness?

我们将为您改签最近的航班。We will endorse the latest flight for you.

我把你的票签转到海航。I'll endorse your ticket to Hainan Airlines.

可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗?Can you endorse the back of the check, please.

我父亲打电话到银行止付那张支票。Can you endorse the back of the check, please?

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领款人必须在支票上背书。The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.

这也正是我们不赞成搞“G2”的原因。This is why we do not endorse the notion of "G2".

但其目的还是值得称赞的,这是任何中间派议员都会认可的目的。But the goal is worthy, one that any centrist can endorse.

球员特里和欧文是其广告代言人。John Terry and Michael Owen of Newcastle endorse the brand.

关于朝韩加强合作,我们始终持积极支持态度。We always endorse cooperation between the DPRK and the ROK.

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我们可以为您改签海口至广州的航班。We can endorse the flight from Haikou to Guangzhou for you.

这是一个令人钦佩的目标,我非常赞同。This is an admirable goal, and one I wholeheartedly endorse.

天上一轮才捧出,人间万姓仰头看。Heaven only endorse round, the rise of human million surname.

但是他说,阿富汗的邻国支持这个和平进程。But he said Afghanistan's neighbors endorse the peace process.

民主党人普遍赞同议案中的限制和贸易计划。Democrats generally endorse the cap-and-trade plan in the bill.

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4月,劳联-产联第一次拒绝支持我的竞选。In April, the AFL-CIO refused for the first time to endorse me.

我们可能并不支持旅游业太兴旺,但我们也不会收门票费。We may not endorse this tourism, but we don't charge admission.

请阁下举出三个运动品牌的代言人?Can you name three celebrity endorsers who endorse the sports brand?