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正义的完美成不义的丢脸。And right perfection wrongfully disgraced.

谣言这条毒蛇对我进行了恶意中伤。Slander , the viper , has wrongfully accused me.

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好几千我们的兄弟武士都被错误的逮捕。Thousands of our brothers were wrongfully arrested.

她被指控非法占有她客房的钱。She is accused of wrongfully holding her client ' money.

而他付出的代价是极其高昂的四年含冤的铁窗生涯!He is an extremely high price of four years in prison wrongfully career!

马格洛大娘,我占用那些银器已经很久了。Madame Magloire, I have for a long time detained that silver wrongfully.

小城镇是一个错判的人所困扰的双胞胎女儿。A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man.

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他声称自己被误判并将于明年提请上诉。He claims he was wrongfully convicted and his appeal will be heard next year.

你的家庭是否被扭曲、攻击,或被利用来对付你?Was your family wrongfully implicated, attacked, or used against you in any way?

她的特赦似乎证明她并非东京玫瑰,但即便错判了她,美国政府,好莱坞与广大公众仍认为她就是那个人。But the American government still considered she was, even if wrongfully convicted.

我知道你们的意思,并诬害我的计谋。Behold, I know your thoughts, and the devices which ye wrongfully imagine against me.

纵观历史,可见不肖之徒妄用手中的成功。Throughout history, we have seen success used wrongfully in the hands of the unworthy.

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中文法律保护市民不被错误的剥夺自由的权利。ENGISH The law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another.

后来他想出了故事的错误指责弟弟,并共谋在本。He later came up with the story of the wrongfully accused brother, and the conspiracy subplot.

倘若人为叫良心对得住神,就忍受冤屈的苦楚,这是可喜爱的。For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.

对于一些人错误地指责杰克逊为变性人的说法,这里显然是排除在外的。That will exclude him as being "transsexual" which some people have wrongfully accused him to be.

不要忘记那些被共和国诬蔑而死不瞑目的人们。Do not forget those who have been wrongfully accused by the Republic and died refusing to close their eyes.

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偶尔会有一个罪犯逃出法网,但我们的目的是确保不让任何无辜的人误受惩罚。An occasional criminal may go free, but our goal is to ensure that no innocent person is wrongfully punished.

他们希望欺骗公众包括两面客户从而获取非法利润从我们的名誉。They hoped to deceive the public including Janus customers and thereby profit wrongfully from our reputation.

一种常见情况是囚徒们宣称自己蒙冤并希望记者进行调查。A common type comes from inmates who claim they were wrongfully convicted and would like a journalist to investigate.