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享受喝茶时间。Enjoy teatime.

这正是都市的午茶时光。It is teatime in the city.

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一杯茶时间就发生了那么多事儿。That was a lot to take in at teatime.

下午茶已经成了我们日常文化的一部分。Teatime has become part of our everyday culture.

下午茶时间是午后两点到五点。Teatime takes place between the hours of two and five.

上述情景就如同糕点已经成为下午茶时间的一部分。These images are as much a part of teatime as a pastry.

许多本地的茶馆、餐厅、咖啡厅都提供了足以和欧洲媲美的下午茶。Many teashops, restaurants, and cafes offer a teatime comparable to those in Europe.

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每一餐都有美食,每个晚上我们在一起喝茶,开会,谈论白天发生的事情。Every dinner is delicious. Every evening we have teatime and meeting about the daily things.

踏入任何一家咖啡厅,你都会了解下午茶不只是为了满足食欲。Step into any cafe and you will realize that teatime isn't only for satisfying one's physical hunger.

有时大孩子欺负小孩子,逼我们把下午茶、面包或晚上的饼干交给她们。Sometimes the big girls bullied us little ones and made us hand over our teatime bread or evening biscuit.

就像几世纪前一样,下午茶时会供应面包、蛋糕、水果塔、饼干及饮料。As it was centuries ago, the fare served at teatime is made up of breads, cakes, tarts, cookies and a beverage.

吃到饱下午茶餐厅成了大学生及省钱一族的最爱。All-you-can-eat teatime establishments are popular among the college set and those looking for more for their money.