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有黑醋粟和黑莓的香味。The smell has Blackcurrant and black cherries.

持久的黑醋栗和新橡木口感余韵悠长。Lasting blackcurrant and new oak flavors palate.

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葡萄酒鉴赏家们通常会将它跟黑醋栗口味联系起来。The connoisseurs often associate it with a blackcurrant flavor.

扑鼻而来的野生草莓,黑加仑和新鲜玫瑰的香气。An explosive nose of wild strawberry, blackcurrant and fresh roses.

中度酒体干红葡萄酒,富有黑醋栗和橡木气味。Medium-bodied dry red wine with nose of blackcurrant and cedery wood.

中等偏淡的黑醋栗、灌木丛以及黑醋栗芽孢香气。Medium- intensity of cassis, blackberry, forest floor, blackcurrant bud.

此酒口感活跃,莓子与黑醋栗果混合的芳香萦绕于齿颊间,十分醉人。It shows a dynamic mix of raspberry and blackcurrant fruit on the palate.

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酸甜的黑醋栗油帮助双唇吸收丰富的脂肪酸。Sweet and tart blackcurrant oil cushions the lips with plumping fatty acids.

这种酒当搭配熏肉和蔬菜时会有刺激的樱桃和黑醋粟味道。Pungent cherry and blackcurrant aromas are underscored by smoked meat and herbs.

浓重的芬芳不仅让人联想到黑莓和玫瑰芽以及黄杨木的味道。The intense bouquet offers up aromas reminiscent of blackcurrant buds and boxwood.

黑色水果为主导风味,浓郁的黑醋栗以及黑浆果伴着香料的辛香。A fruit driven style showing concentrated blackcurrant and dark berries with spice.

富含醇郁的黑加仑子口味,圆润的口感逐渐变得更为丰满,颇为平衡。A dense blackcurrant palate which has rounded out and become fleshy and well balanced.

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美味芙蓉和黑醋栗的,杏仁阿玛丽托味道。Deliciously sour hibiscus and blackcurrant support the intense almond amaretto flavour.

压碎的红色浆果和黑加仑的味道,它的芳香与一丝香料的香味完美搭配。Crushed red berries and blackcurrant flavours and aromas are matched with bint of spice.

黑醋栗的果香与黑樱桃、黑加仑子及雪茄盒的芳香十分馥郁。Exuberant cassis fruit on the nose, with black cherry, blackcurrant and cigar box notes.

富有橡木香的深梅红色酒体,华丽的起泡串串结伴上行,微带辛辣的炖果味。Rich plum red, aromas of blackcurrant and fruit cake come through with a hint of coffee.

丹宁充足,充满嘿松露、干香草和烤橡木味道,口感果味十足,余韵悠长。Round and elegant tannins texture with blackcurrant , truffle and new oak, finish in length.

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一款优雅的酒品呈现出黑莓,薄荷和黑醋栗香并带有持久的橡木味。An elegant wine that offers blackberry, mint and blackcurrant notes with fine integrated oak.

浓缩的黑醋栗和李子的香味中夹杂着越橘和橡木桶的味道。Concentrated blackcurrant and plum aromas with a hint of blueberry and subtle background oak.

浓缩的黑加仑和李子的香味中夹杂着越橘和橡木桶的味道。Concentrated blackcurrant land plum aromas with a hint of blueberry and subtle background oak.