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纳豆是日本的一种传统性食品,近年研究发现其具有许多保健功能。Natto is a kind of traditional food in Japan, it has many sanitarian functions.

农村卫生人力资源是农村医疗卫生事业的“第一资源”。Human resource is the key source for the whole sanitarian in the rural areas of China.

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辣椒是人们日常生活中常用的调味品,具有保健功效。Capsicum is usually used for seasoning of foods in people's life, and it has sanitarian effect.

本产品具有果醋独特的风味及营养保健功能。This product has special flavor of fruit acetic acid and also has the nutritive and sanitarian function.

不过,是平时装病到保健室来休息的偷懒的恶习者。Nevertheless, it is the lazy abuse that disease of smooth fashionable dress rests to sanitarian room person.

现在市面上那些银杏的制品的保健功能比较好?银杏的主要成分的含量比较多?。Is the sanitarian function of the goods of those ginkgo on market better now? Is the content of the bases of ginkgo more?

红香椿树其芽可食,芳香味浓,对人体健康起到保健作用。Gong Xiangchun cultivates its bud to be able to be fed, sweet smell is thick, have sanitarian effect to human body health.

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茶叶是世界上最流行的无酒精饮品之一,具有许多生理保健作用。Tea is one of the most popular non-alcoholic soft and healthy beverages in the world, which has many sanitarian functions.

除了可以减轻身体敏感和易动区域的压力,TEMPUR床垫和枕头还具有保健作用。Besides can reduce the body sensitive the pressure with movability area, TEMPUR mattess and pillow still have sanitarian effect.

目的建立保健食品中吡啶甲酸铬含量的测定方法,验证吡啶甲酸铬的稳定性。Objective To develop a method for determining the content of chromium picolinate in sanitarian food and to validate its stability.

目前,保健酒行业销售量最大的两个品牌是劲酒和椰岛鹿龟酒。Current, two brands with the biggest sale of sanitarian wine industry are strong wine and wine of chelonian of coconut island deer.

玩家可以在舆图画面选择移动的地点,保健室将会有检查身体的迷你游戏,还有小测验游戏。The player can draw the spot with mobile choice in the map, sanitarian room will have have a medical check-up confuse your game, still have little test game.

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主要表现为衣食住行等生活方式的变革,以及卫生习惯、婚姻习俗等的变化。Life consuetude of citizens in the southwest occurred changes, including changes of basic necessities of life, changes of sanitarian customs and hymeneal rites.

环卫机械正在同信息、生物、材料等产业一样成为国家具有巨大发展潜力的朝阳产业。Machine of environmental sanitarian is becoming one huge potential industry with the other industries such as information industry, biology industry and material industry.

本文对银杏的有效化学成分、影响银杏有效成分的因素、银杏的医用和保健效能及银杏中有效成分的提取与测定技术等进行分析与综述。The active constituents of Ginkgo biloba, and their influencing factors, medical and sanitarian efficiency, the technology of extraction and analysis are analyzed and reviewed.

对洋葱功能成分及其应用研究,符合当前人们对天然功能性食品的追求。The study of functional composition of onion and application as sanitarian drink or other food will meet the increasing need of people towards the natural function food now days.

本机为压形切割机械,主要将泡绵压成波浪状绵。适用于电子、精密仪器、汽车坐垫、保健用品及贵重物件的包装用途。This machine is profiling cutting machine. It has mostly foam rubber pressed wavy rubber, It ls appropriate electron, delicate instrument, car seating, sanitarian thing and rich article of packing.