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让我走我会把这个护身符留给你的。Let me go and I will leave you this talisman.

另外,这将是对护符的最理想的测试。Plus, it will be the perfect test for the Talisman.

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看箍上的装式,好像是个佛器,礼器?By the decoration of hoop, it seems to be a talisman ?

但这人很固执,把这呢帽当宝贝一般坚持戴着。Being stubborn, however, he clung to the hat as to a talisman.

他拼合了那件宝物但还是无法释放他的主人。He recombined the talisman but was unable to release his master.

“这就是青铜戒指,这就是法宝!”他们满心喜悦地叫喊起来。It is the bronze ring! It is the talisman ! They cried joyfully.

这个咒符被任何想要变得富有或是成名的人所拥有并且重视。This Talisman is treasured by all who wish to become Rich or Famous.

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然后用那些你得到的真诚地正面评价作为你的护身符。And then use any genuinely positive commentary you get as a talisman.

我寻找不可思议的护符,叫作凯尔特人的大镰刀的一个邪恶的武器。I seek a magical talisman , an evil weapon known as the scythe of the Celt.

孔雀石被用作儿童的护身符,以抵御危险和疾病。Malachite was used as a children's talisman to ward off danger and illness.

这法宝是提供给所有的字符,包括现有的和未来。This talisman is available to all your characters, both existing and future.

沙金石常用作幸运护身符,赌徒们特别喜欢这种宝石。Aventurine has been used as a lucky talisman and is a popular gem for gamblers.

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现在它被泰国王室视为至宝,供奉在曼谷的皇家玉佛寺中。It is now a talisman of the Thai kings, enshrined at the royal Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok.

“我们都在希望他回归,杰拉德的回归则是让队中所有人精神为之一振。”他对天空体育如此说。We all want the talisman back. It gives everyone a lift to see him back, " he told Sky Sports."

第三个是千寻坐上火车为钱婆婆送去咒符以拯救朋友。The third is Chihiro riding the train for the Talisman to save money to send her mother a friend.

不管在陆上还是海上,罗杰·斯通都随身带有一个实用的护身符——那是一个黄色的小型海洋GPS装置。Roger Stone carried a practical talisman with him on land and at sea—a small, yellow marine GPS unit.

龙婆清把这类奇异的护身符运同时应用到他的佛牌上。Laung Phor Chaeng applied this talisman to magic powder of fortune and the powder was blended in his amulets as well.

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她躲过了匪徒和天灾,但却因为偷走一个萨满的护符而被抓住丢进了牢狱。She survived the bandits and the Scourge, but was caught and thrown in jail after trying to steal a shaman's talisman.

塑料挤瓶在1997年被普瑞尔介绍给公众,是一种强力的安全护身符。The plastic squeeze bottle of alcohol gel, which was introduced by Purell in 1997, is a powerful talisman of security.

打开你的皮箱,把它放到你的中立符咒的一个里,它会使你变成任何生物的形态。Open your portmanteau and keep it in one of your neutral talisman. It allows you to change into the shape of any creature.