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为国王路易十五表演。Performing for King Louis XV.

豁免的退休计划。完成第十五部份。Exempt retirement plans. Complete Part XV.

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路易十五就曾送过二百瓶给教皇。Louis XV. sent two hundred phials of it to the Pope.

你们若遵守我所吩咐的就是我的朋友了。Ye are My friends if ye do the things I command you" xv ."

圣女贞德终于在1920年由教皇本尼狄克十五世封为圣徒。Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.

法国国王路易十五的宫廷甚至被称作“香熏宫廷”。The court French king Louis XV was even named "the perfumed court".

在谈到路易十五时,他们把法兰西国王叫做“庞坦侯爷”。Given Louis XV. they call the King of France "le Marquis de Pantin."

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对守则的修正案还可按第十五条的程序通过。Amendments to the Code may also be adopted following the procedures in Article XV.

这幅画描绘了做为路易十五情妇的蓬巴杜夫人生命中的最后一年。The painting shows the one-time mistress of Louis XV in the last year of her life.

在巴黎的时候,莫扎特受邀为国王路易十五和王后玛利亚Leszczynska表演。While in Paris, Mozart was hired to perform for King Louis XV and Queen Maria Leszczynska.

使你们奉我的名,无论向父求什麽,祂就赐给你们。I appointed you that whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My Name He may give it you" xv ."

守则可以通过公约第十五条规定的简化程序来修订。The Code can be amended through the simplified procedure set out in Article XV of the Convention.

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在十四和十五世纪,意大利是一个国家富裕和进步的世界。During the XIV and XV centuries, Italy was one of the richest and progressed country in the world.

取得很好的法国路易十五风格的镀金青铜装镶嵌,红木和郁金香木桌上的环境。Very Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.

克利奥帕特拉七世是托勒密王朝的最后一位皇后,作为摄政者与其儿子托勒密十五世共同统治国家。Cleopatra VII was the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling as co-regent with her son, Ptolemy XV.

甲乙双方在协议有效期内,不得单方终止协议或违背协议条款。XV. Within the term of the agreement, no party is allowed to unilaterally violate the articles or terminate the agreement.

路易十五和路易十六都先后入住过,并将此处改名为波旁大厦。The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively when they acted as emperors.

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从经典的美术建筑雕刻楼群到63个精品房间,为客人提供豪华风格。XV Beacon, a 63-room boutique haven carved out of a classic Beaux Arts building, offers guests luxury, style, class and culture.

英方同意努力促进和便利本国高技术产品对华民用用户和民用用途出口。XV. . The UK agrees to work to promote and facilitate bilateral high-tech trade with China for civil end uses and civil end users.

法国宫廷侍臣,路易十五有影响力的情妇,被革命法庭以反政府罪判处斩首。French courtier and influential mistress of Louis XV. She was guillotined for crimes against the state by a Revolutionary tribunal.