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电视是首犯。Television was the first culprit.

警方正在追捕肇事逃逸者Police are hunting for the hit-and-run culprit.

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压力是低活力的主要致因。Stress is the main culprit of a low-energy day.

我高兴地揭发了犯人后冲到了外面。I happily exposed the culprit and rushed outside.

这个古老传说的关键依旧是血卟啉症。Again, Porphyria is the culprit to this age old myth.

但是投票的罪魁祸首是李先生自己,这曾经至高的选举资产。But some say the prime poll culprit is Mr Lee himself.

罪魁祸首是一种叫Y型神经肽或者NPY的荷尔蒙。The culprit is a hormone called Neuropeptide Y, or NPY.

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银行抢案的祸首罪犯终于被抓了。The culprit in the bank robbery has finally been caught.

不过我只是来告诉你,他们抓到了犯人。But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit.

罪魁祸首是马提尼克岛培雷火山释放的火山灰。The culprit was volcanic ash from Mount Pelée in Martinique.

这场争论的针对者应该是那些广播公司。The main culprit of this whole controversy is the broadcaster.

而甘油三脂水平高正是血管硬化的罪魁祸首。And triglycerides high is the chief culprit of vascular sclerosis.

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基层教练水平低下是篮球后继乏人的症结所在。The culprit of the plight is our mediocre coaches in basic levels.

据该大楼业主总务署的一份研究报告披露,这座大楼的冷却系统,也就是消耗气体最多的系统,乃是罪魁祸首。The building’s cooling system, a major gas guzzler, was one culprit.

有出汗副作用的新药常常是盗汗的魁首。A new medication, with perspiration as a side effect, is the culprit.

那个盗窃犯偷偷溜进了16号公路沿线的很多乡村住宅。The culprit was hitting lots of rural houses up and down High-way 16.

这一次钥匙让我偷到了,“小偷”逃走了,书也读到了!This time they got stolen, the culprit got off, and the book got read!

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在气候变化问题上,农业既是肇事者也是受害者。Agriculture is both culprit and victim when it comes to climate change.

这里的罪人是网拍被倾斜或接触时放得太后面。The culprit here is that the racquet is tilted or laid back at contact.

一种被称作柑桔苷的存在于葡萄柚汁中的物质被认为是罪犯。A substance in grapefruit juice called naringin seems to be the culprit.