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现在的他四肢麻痹,只能呆在轮椅上。He is now quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair.

他用一个患了四肢型麻痹的少女来举例说明。To illustrate, he told about a teenage girl who was a quadriplegic.

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同年,他在一次冲浪中遇到了意外,使他成了四肢瘫痪的人。That same year, he had a surfing accident, which rendered him quadriplegic.

举个例子来说,克雷格是一个C-3级的四肢瘫痪者,而且是完全瘫痪,他只能移动他的头部。For example, Craig is a C-3 quadriplegic completely paralyzed, he can only move his head.

威伦廷四肢瘫痪活了18个月,最后医治无效死亡。Walentin lived for another 18 months as a quadriplegic before finally succumbing to his wounds.

因为18年前,在她遇到迷人但四肢瘫痪的小伙子米歇尔后,她也同样在顾虑那样的后果。She couldn't escape her knowledge when she met Michael, a charming quadriplegic man, 18 years ago.

UPPERTONE设计生产与1990年,是四肢瘫痪的患者用于恢复上肢机能的康复设备。The only product of its kind, the UPPERTONE was designed and introduced in 1990 by a C4-C5 quadriplegic.

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意外发生几个月后,我构思了一部短片,故事主角是一个活在梦中、四肢瘫痪的病患。A few months after the accident I had an idea for a short film about a quadriplegic who lives in a dream.

澳大利亚一家法院裁定,一个想要寻求死亡的四肢瘫患者可以告知他的护理者停止护理他。A court in Australia has ruled that a quadriplegic man who wants to die can tell his carers to stop feeding him.

我不相信他真的认为批评家和鼓励四肢瘫痪的残疾人体验完整生命的励志大师同样重要。I do not believe he thinks critics are as valuable as people who inspire quadriplegic shut-ins to have full lives.

因为我是一个四肢瘫痪者,下肢动弹不了,上肢也只能做有限的活动。That's because I'm a quadriplegic , which means I can't move my legs and have limited movement in my arms and hands.

但炸弹爆炸事件时有发生,比如去年12月发生的一起爆炸就造成了年仅20岁的法蒂玛•穆哈森•阿齐兹四肢瘫痪。Yet episodic bomb blasts continue, such as the one last November that left 20-year-old Fatima Muhassen Aziz a quadriplegic.

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她非常乐于助人,曾经帮助了西安的一个同样四肢瘫痪的女孩,鼓励她以勇气战胜不幸。She had helped a quadriplegic girl in Xi'an, China, to face her adversity bravely. She even helped Bethesda through her nephew Dan.

他的大脑被压向脊柱,从而使得他四肢瘫痪并且只能依靠呼吸设备呼吸,然而他的生命仅仅维持了几周就消失了。Some of his brain was pushed into his spinal column, paralyzing him. He became a quadriplegic depending on a ventilator to breathe.

一位四肢痲痹的女船手6月16日用她的呼吸控制一艘风帆,将独自绕英伦三岛环行一周。A quadriplegic woman sailor set off on a solo journey around the British Isles June 16, 2008 in a boat she controls with her breath.

我不相信他真的认为批评家和鼓励四肢瘫痪的残疾人体验完整生命的励志大师同样重要。因为他们毕竟不一样。I do not believe he thinks critics are as valuable as people who inspire quadriplegic shut-ins to have full lives. Mostly because they are not.

江户川乱步的小说芋虫描述了一位在战争中失去四肢的退役军人。您的电影和这部小说同有什么不同?In what way is the film different from Edogawa Rampo's novel The Caterpillar, which is about a WWII veteran, who returns home as a quadriplegic?

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有些人会发现做这件事很困难,但对于我来说并不难,因为我是一个四肢瘫痪的人,那意味着我的腿不能动,就连胳膊和手的活动也会受很大的限制。Some might find that that difficult, but not me. That's because I'm a quadriplegic , which means I can't move my legs and have limited movement in my arms and hands.