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请勿用硬物刮划换能器。Don't scrape the transducer with hard objects.

压力开关、限制开关或模拟传感器。Pressure switch, limit switch or analog transducer.

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外壳内侧固定设置有一个超声波换能器。In the inner of shell there is ultrasonic transducer.

本文提出了一种新型箔式铂电阻表面温度传感器。A new platinum foil temperature transducer is described.

该城市轨道交通1是一个测量传感器的真有效值的价值观。The UMT 1 is a measuring transducer for true RMS values.

推出了此类换能器的辐射阻抗。The radiative imPedance on comPosite transducer was derived.

他们用电桥来测量传感器的阻抗。They use a bridge to measure the impedance of the transducer.

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介绍了一种新型的电感式位移传感器。A new type of inductance displacement transducer is introduced.

本文介绍的车轮力传感器及数据采集系统已在实车试验中应用。The wheel force transducer has been used in the vehicle experiment.

实际测量了预应力对换能器几个重要指标的影响。It is found that temperature has significant influence to transducer.

本文介绍一种K波段宽频带同轴波导转换器。K band wideband coaxial-to-waveguide transducer is described, ts VSWR.

提高了振动传感器校准的自动化程度。And this system raises the automaticity of vibration transducer calibration.

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本文介绍一种新颖的光导纤维动态压力传感器。In this paper, a new optical fiber dynamic pressure transducer is described.

锻件和板材探伤用换能器频率一般为。In the testing of plate and forgings , transducer frequency shall usually be.

本文介绍了变频调速技术在热风炉中的应用。This paper introduces the application of the transducer on the hot air stove.

可靠的镍锘合金传送系统配有自动过载保护装置。The reliable nickel bo alloy transducer has the automatic over-load protection.

该传感器暂定名为变压器型电导率传感器。The transducer was thus named transformer-type specific Conductance transducer.

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此超音波换能器以多频道功率放大系统驱动。The ultrasound transducer is driven by a multi -channel power amplifier system.

作者用这种方法设计了测量烟草含水量的微带传感器。A tobacco water content strip-line transducer has been designed by this program.

变送器在测量前,应校核它是否发生了“零位漂移”。Before measurement the transducer must be checked for its "zero position shift".