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主是常与你同在的。Jesus is with thee.

有什么使人不安吗?What unsettles thee?

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门砰地一声关上了。Thee door banged shut.

鹰飞得很高。Thee eagle flies high.

这汤味道很鲜。Thee soup tastes nice.

水摸起来很凉。Thee water feels cold.

我是如此崇敬汝之神性。I adore thee as Divine.

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是它把你带到了这里。It brought thee hither.

这料子耐洗。Thee cloth washes well.

心远天地宽——数星客。Thee world in my heart.

我封你为兰斯洛特骑士。I dub thee Sir Lancelot.

我要重重地赏赐你。I will pay thee royally.

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众位朋友都问你安。Our friends salute thee.

风正从那里经过。Thee wind is passing by.

令你厌烦忧戚?Weary thee, grieve thee?

孩子们点头称是。Thee children nodded yes.

你不懂。Thee does not understand.

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这些花闻起来很香。Thee flowers smell sweet.

市内电话是免费的。Thee local phone is free.

最大的才九岁。Thee oldest is only nine.