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这之后,你来猛推我好了,我们逃不脱这自我毁灭之路的宿命。Destructive path that we're on, timberland metzingen, two psychopaths but we.

语言是用来交换思想,进行交流勾通用的!Language is for the exchange of ideas, timberland shoe outlet, for communication.

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但与这一严峻的现实极不相称的却是我国林地利用的低效率。But the low using efficiency of timberland is inappropriate for this austere realism.

它有盒装与所有的林地和指示保证原包装。It comes boxed in the original packaging with all the Timberland warranty and instructions.

查尔斯和他的朋友都主张了大约7英亩林地的所有权并开始垦荒。Charles and his friends each claimed about seven acres of timberland and began slashing away.

让您的廷伯兰男装金斯布里奇银色表盘皮带手表QT742.23.01看看今天。Get your Timberland Mens Kingsbridge Silver Dial Leather Strap Watch QT742.23.01 watch today.

天伯伦公司发言人表示,它正“积极接洽贝尔坦公司以更好地理解这一非常复杂的问题”。Timberland spokesman said it was "actively engaged with Bertin to better understand this very complex issue".

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天伯伦公司发言人表示,它正“积极接洽贝尔坦公司以更好地理解这一非常复杂的问题”。A Timberland spokesman said it was "actively engaged with Bertin to better understand this very complex issue".

天伯伦员工可以抽出40小时带薪社区服务时间中的一部分用于照料花朵与蔬菜。Timberland employees may use some of their 40 hours of paid community service time to tend the flowers and vegetables.

正如天伯伦所知道的那样,完全沉浸在可持续发展中需要革新,而革新需要优秀的领导与才能。As Timberland knows, fully immersed sustainability requires innovation and innovation requires good leadership and talent.

那年秋天,为了养家糊口,我父亲最后只得放弃了他的林地,到一家纸浆厂做他嫌恶的工作。That fall, to support his family, my father finally had to forfeit his timberland and take a job he detested in a pulp mill.

去年,在中国的志愿义工为学校粉刷教室。Timberland organizes community-service projects around the world Last year, volunteers painted classrooms at a school in China.

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史瓦兹决定使添柏岚成为一个活生生的实验室,在不至于摧毁家族事业的前提下,带动一种利他主义的文化。Swartz was determined to make Timberland a living laboratory for an altruism-driven culture without torpedoing the family business.

因此,必须对林地产权制度进行研究,提高林地资源的利用率及生产力。So we need to research the property right of the timberland resource, to promote the utilization and productivity of woodland resource.

天伯伦举行的会议常在室外进行,职员们都会得到健身房会员资格,可以去跑步、散步或者骑车。Meetings at Timberland are often held outdoors, staff get a generous gym membership contribution and there is space to run, walk and cycle.

每个廷伯兰手表手表作出严格的标准和男装金斯布里奇银色表盘皮带手表QT742.23.01也不例外。Every Timberland watch watch is made to exacting standards and the Mens Kingsbridge Silver Dial Leather Strap Watch QT742.23.01 is no exception.

不仅仅是像暇步士和天木兰这样鼎鼎大名的品牌受到欧盟对原产于中国和越南的皮鞋征收关税的冲击。But its not just the big names like Hush Puppies and Timberland that are taking a hit from the duties imposed on leather shoes from China and Vietnam.

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公司生产的矿井提升机是一款双闸系统,高强度的绳索拉升能力可满足您的要求。All TIMBERLAND Shaft Sinking Hoists feature dual braking systems, power up-power down load control and rope capacities to suit your shaft requirements.

但是有机交易组织需要更大、更主流的合作伙伴形成推动力,所以他们寻找到了Timberland和REI。But Organic Exchange needed larger, more mainstream partners to build momentum in the space, so it sought out and won sponsorships from Timberland and REI.

鉴于该州有美国最大的林地,它大部分的能源来自于木材一点也不新奇。Since the state has the highest percentage of timberland in the country, it is not surprising that a large portion of its energy comes from wood and wood waste.