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通辽地区丰产型杨树农田防护林营造技术。Afforest technology on high yield type shelter forest of poplar tree in tongliao area.

大面积植树造林绿化国土是跨世纪中国的一大课题。Land of afforest of large area afforestation is the one big task that crosses century China.

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这六个品种为沈阳当地选出的栽培品种,均广泛应用于沈阳绿化。The six variety was Shenyang's cultivar that locality elect that applyShenyang to afforest extensively.

分析表明,“适地适树”的标准需要进一步深入研究。The analysis showed that the standards to afforest at suitable site with suitable tree are needed to be studied further.

在夏威夷随处可见合欢树,这种树造型漂亮,十分好看,是绿化和观赏的好树种。There are wattle trees everywhere , its model is nice and good looking, It is a better kind of tree for afforest and viewing.

本文概述了齐齐哈尔市中华路道路绿化工程规划设计布局。This textual objective discussion on the planning and designing an layout of Qiqihar city ZHONGHUA road afforest engineering.

退耕还林的范畴还包括退耕地还林、还草、还湖和相应的宜林荒山荒地造林。The project also involves effort to return farmland to grasslands and to lakes and afforest barren hills and wasteland suitable to afforestation.

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垂直绿化苗木需求有潜力。如今城市高楼林立,绿地少,绿色景观差。Demand of perpendicular afforest nursery stock has latent capacity. Urban high-rise is bristly nowadays, greenbelt is little, green landscape is poor.

书房里的绿化,增加了不少生活情趣,减少了阅读的枯燥感,能愉悦人的视觉、陶冶情操。The afforest in the study, increased many life interest , reduced reading as dry as a chip feeling, sentiment of the vision of can cheerful person, edify.

阳台的空间一般都很有限,常栽种攀缘或蔓生植物,采用平行垂直绿化或平行水平绿化。The space of the balcony is general very finite, constant grow scramble or trailing plant, use parallel and perpendicular afforest or parallel level afforest.

根据景观优化和环境功能健全,以及树种的生态学特性,进行各区段水源涵养林的造林模式设计。The afforest models for each area are designed according to the ecological properties of the tree, landscape optimization and the environmental function sanity.

1963年,一批知识青年响应党的号召,怀着绿化祖国,建设海岛的雄心壮志,踏上大鹿岛。In 1963, a batch of educated youth landed in Dalu Island to cater to the calling of the Party and with an ambition to afforest the country and build the sea island.

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我所居住的小区叫做尚华名城,坐落于和平大街,小区环境优雅,交通方便,绿化非常好,我很喜欢。I live in a village called ShangHua city, located in peace avenue, residential environment elegant, the traffic is convenient, afforest is very good. I like it very much.

一般选择乡土植物、抗逆性强、耐荫和适应性强的树种来进行立交桥绿化。We always choose the trees which are native plants, having strong resistance of harsh environment, enduring the shade and having strong adaptability to afforest the flyovers.

通过在广西来宾县国家造林项目营造的桉树林内建立科研观测样地,进行案例分析。Analysing on Eucalyptus of nation afforest item which is built Laibin county, GuangXi, To conclude, technique economic norms of the item exceed those of wood process enterprise in China.

划分森林立地类型,综合评价林地质量,是适地适树,科学地进行营造林和预测森林生产力的基础。Dividing the forest site type, comprehensive appraisal the quality of forest land are the bases to match species with the site, scientifically mange and afforest and predict productivity.