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HPV则是大约百分之70患上子宫颈癌的原因。HPV is the cause of roughly 70 per cent of cervical cancers.

癌旁组织和非肿瘤组织未检出。No HPV was detected in para cancerous and non tumorous tissues.

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HPV疫苗也许在某一天会防止一些病毒。The HPV vaccine may one day help prevent some of these cancers.

在这种情况下,HPV就会导致癌症或是更常见的癌前期。In these cases, HPV can lead to cancer or, more commonly, precancer.

低危型HPV的感染机会随年龄的增大而增大。The chances of being affected by low risk HPV will increase with age.

相反的,HPV中的蛋白质在那个区域对健康的细胞进行破坏。Instead, proteins within HPV wreak havoc on healthy cells in that area.

研究者怀疑原因可能是HPV经口传播感染。The study authors suspect the reason may be orally transmitted HPV infections.

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乳突状淋巴瘤病毒和衣原体是少女中最常见的性传播疾病,Forhan还说。HPV and chlamydia are the most common STDs found among teenage girls, Forhan said.

将来的HPV疫苗的保护范围可以覆盖到其他的致病血清型吗?Will future HPV vaccines extend protection to cover additional pathogenic serotypes?

该病毒的高危亚型还往往和鳞状上皮细胞的恶变密切相关。High-risk HPV types are often said to be associated with squamous cell malignant tumor.

如果使用液基细胞学检查,可以用同样的样本行HPV检查。If liquid-based cytology is used, reflex HPV testing can be performed on the same specimen.

这一结果为开展口腔癌的HPV病因学研究提供了参考资料。The results provided data for the study on HPV virological oncogenesis of the oral Cancers.

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生殖器HPV是通过皮肤接触传播,不通过体液传播。Genital HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact, not through an exchange of bodily fluid.

结论可能人细小病毒B19感染与自然流产有一定关联。It suggests that there is a relationship between spontaneous abortion and HPV B19 infection.

大多数这些病变是粘膜相关的高危HPV亚型所致。Most of these lesions are caused by infection with mucosal-associated high-risk HPV subtypes.

我们的病例显示在免疫健全的病人身上,第49型人类乳突病毒也可能跟鳞状细胞癌有关。Our report showed the first case of SCC associated with HPV 49 in an immunocompetent patient.

葛兰素史克公司的竞争疫苗卉妍康能够抵抗两种人类乳状瘤病毒株,并且已在欧洲使用。GlaxoSmithKline's rival vaccine Cervarix protects against two HPV strains and is used in Europe.

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一些皮肤病医生认为,其他种类的人类乳突病毒也可能引发皮肤癌。Other types of HPV produce body warts-which some derms believe may be a skin-cancer risk factor.

HPV感染包括HPV-16型感染与宫颈癌及慢性宫颈炎有关。HPV infection including HPV-16 infection is correlated with chronic cervitis and cervical cancer.

许多的网站会告诉你在印度四个女孩接受HPV疫苗后24小时内死亡。Many sites will tell you that four girls in India died within 24 hours of receiving HPV vaccines.