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把右侧松开的一端,从后方绕过椒盐卷饼的右侧叶。Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel.

当你觉得被压得喘不过去时,就休息一下,吃块刚出炉的脆饼干什么的。When you feel yourself being overwhelmed, take a break. Grab a warm pretzel or something.

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学习如何做饼干移动时在这个自由舞视频舞蹈课的梅伦格。Learn how to do the pretzel move when dancing the Merengue in this free video dance lesson.

把椒盐脆饼粒放进烤炉,切忌不要先抓把尝尝口味。Without grabbing a handful of pretzels to munch on, I place my pretzel crust into the oven.

用漏勺将纽结包一次一个盛入碱水中,煮大约30秒钟。With a slotted spatula, lower 1 pretzel at a time into pan. Let simmer for about 30 seconds.

一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?When you hear the word “yoga, ” do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?

忘了这一条,乔治W布什曾从赛格威车掉下来、差点被椒盐卷饼噎死以及他是一个可卡因瘾君子的事实。Forgot this One, George W. Bush fell off a Segway and Chocked on a Pretzel and was a Cocaine addict.

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由于弯管机处理管干扰了对方的'ü'栏可能类似于一个椒盐卷饼。Because the bender handle interferes with the opposite side of the tube, the 'U' bar may resemble a pretzel.

把同样一端从前方绕过左侧叶,然后从后方绕到右侧叶的前方。Wrap that same end around and in front of the left lobe, then behind it and in front of the right lobe of the pretzel.

而李拉在空中自由自在地舞蹈,次日清晨,却发现自己躺在厨房的地板上,或是像个花卷般蜷缩在母亲的花园里。Lyla danced on air and, in the morning, found herself on the kitchen floor or coiled into a pretzel in her mother's garden.

研究人员在2010年1月的报告中说,使用计算机控制的全息图像来扭曲激光的光束,使它成为成类似椒盐卷饼式的形状。In January 2010 researchers reported using a computer-controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes.

为什么俄罗斯有个前克格勃间谍的超人总统,而我们美国人只有一个差点被脆饼干曀死的总统?Why does Russia get a superhuman former spy as a leader while we in the US get a guy who nearly choked to death on a pretzel?

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一部分是因为这太酷了,不过更主要的是因为我只是拼接了一堆树胶妖怪和白巧克力椒盐脆饼树。Partly because this is so cool, but mostly because I just scarfed a bunch of gummy orcs and the White Chocolate Pretzel Tree of Gondor.

尽管人们并没有权威的证据来证实这个故事,但至少它还是部分得到了pretzel词源的支持。Although there isn’t authoritative evidence to back this story up, the etymology of pretzel tends to support at least part of the story.

Pretzel这个词源自于拉丁语pretiloe,意思是“小礼物”,或者源自于意大利语bracciatelli,意思是“小胳膊”。The word pretzel comes either from the Latin pretiole, which means "little gift", or from the Italian bracciatelli, which means "small arms".

人们普遍认为,单词pretzel确实是从德语单词Bretzel衍生而来的,它被用来指称一种在烤前撒上粗盐粒、两端被打成小结的细面包卷。Pretzel is indeed thought to come from a German word bretzel described as referring to a kind of thin bread roll twisted into a knot and salted before baking.

而李拉在空中自由自在地舞蹈,次日清晨,却发现自己躺在厨房的地板上,或是像个花卷般蜷缩在母亲的花园里。Lyla danced on air and, in the morning, found herself on the kitchen floor or coiled into a pretzel in her mother’s garden. Some mornings, she woke up with a prize in her hand.

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椒盐脆饼,德国啤酒面包,法兰克福面包,软辊面包,硬卷面包,全麦面包,杂粮面包,黄油什锦果酱面包,盐渍面包棒,盐渍迷你饼干。Pretzel, German beer bread, Frankfurt bread, soft roll, hard roll, whole wheat bread, multigrain bread Portion butter and assorted jams, salted bread sticks, salted mini pretzel.

梅伦格学习与专家加勒比梅伦格舞舞蹈教学从一名专业舞蹈演员饼干舞步在这个免费的在线舞蹈课,舞蹈视频剪辑。Learn pretzel dance steps for merengue dancing with expert Caribbean merengue dancing instruction from a professional dancer in this free online dance lesson and choreography video clip.

假设他们拥有和我们不同的器官,比如7个触手,14个可笑的小复眼和一个的形如法国号的大脑。And suppose they have, you know, very different sensory apparatus, and so on, they have seven tentacles, and they have 14 little funny-looking compound eyes, and a brain shaped like a pretzel.