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请参阅坎迪斯所写的“上帝之子”了解更多。See "Sonship with God" for further reading by Candace.

这就像堪黛丝·布希聂尔要用讽刺手法描写你的生活。It's like Candace Bushnell wanted to satirize your life.

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坎迪斯有此经历,所以我让她描述一下。Candace has experience in this, so I shall let her describe of her experience.

接下来的周一坎迪斯问我是否阿达玛愿意评论。On the following monday Candace asked me if maybe Adama would like to comment.

现在,我已经告诉坎迪斯如果一小时内我们没有出现在电视上,我们会按她曾请求的那样更新。Now, I had told Candace if we weren't on TV in a hour we would do the update she has been begging for.

坎迪斯·布莱肯的未来似乎充满希望,这位25岁的航班调度员刚刚有了孩子和新工作。Candace Bracken's future seemed full of promise. The 25-year-old airline service coordinator had a new baby and a new job.

我心爱的人们,距离上次我和坎迪斯合作以后,已经有一段时间了。是时候以一种更加严肃的态度进行一下更新。Dearly beloveds, my, it has been a while now since Candace and I did a work together. It is time to update a bit in a more serious manner.

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坎迪斯在轻声笑,因为你们要知道,她经常鼓励造物主之子,当她觉得他所做出的选择是值得的。OK Candace is chuckling here, because you see, she often pats the Creator Son on the back when she sees the merit of the choices coming down.

虽然这样说,我们正围绕着一个规划中的最后期限而工作,坎迪斯已经觉察到了。This is progressive and remains so at this time. Saying this however, we are working towards a projected deadline which Candace is aware off.

有相当一些AH的读者们十分盼望这个大表演秀,如果它是在我的命令下,它将会通过坎迪斯被发布。There are quite a few readers of AH that fully expected this big show and tell, and if it was on MY orders, it would have been put out thru Candace.

坎迪斯已解释过,这个星球将整体上摇晃,这会是开端,虽则对我们而言,在此之前一切就已发生了。Candace has explained that the planet will shake as a whole and this will be the beginning as you see although for us it has begun already in what has happened up to this point.

感谢小姑以庆恩为观察对象做“儿童成长发展”研究报告,我们才有这机会解开宇宙大谜题,目睹庆恩翻转成功。Thanks to Miriam for doing a paper on Child's growth development by observing Baby Candace , so we can find out the answer to the universal secret that Baby Candace can roll over.

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坎迪斯事实上住的靠近一些地下坑道,它们从机场向西延伸,她了解得很清楚,在建设机场期间她听到了核能钻洞机嗡嗡的声音。Candace in fact lives nearly over some tunnels running west from there and knows well the "Taos hum" produced by the nuclear tunneling machines during the construction of that airport.