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你能为我叫一位侍者来吗?Could you call a bellboy for me?

会有专门的服务员给您带路。The bellboy will show you the way.

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服务员会带你去你的房间。The bellboy will show you your room.

您需要行李员为您搬运行李吗?。Do you need bellboy take your baggage?

我们行李生会带您到房间。Our bellboy will show you to your room.

我曾经在嘉逸皇冠酒店做过前台行李生。I worked in Grand royal hotel as a bellboy.

“看这儿,孩子。”他对侍者说。" Look here, boy. " He said to the bellboy.

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这位旅馆服务员会引您去您的房间。The bellboy will help you with your baggage.

先生,行李生会送您到房间的。Thee bellboy will show you to your room, sir.

服务生会将您的行李送到您的房间。The bellboy will take your luggage to your room.

到时可否派人上来帮我提一下行李?。Can you send a bellboy up for my luggage by then?

服务员马上把行李送上来。The bellboy will send your baggage up right away.

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如果您愿意,行李生会带您去您的房间。If you like, the bellboy will show you to your room.

行李员指引客人到前台办理入住手续。The bellboy directs the guest check in at the front desk.

服务员会帮您提行李,并带到您的房间去。The bellboy will take you bags and show you to your room.

我会交服务员帮您把箱子送到您的房间里。I'll have the bellboy help you bring that up to your room.

服务员会帮您提行李,并带您到您的房间去。The bellboy will take your bags and show you to your room.

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行李生会带您去房间的,祝您愉快。And the bellboy will show you to your room. Have a nice stay.

这是你们的钥匙卡。行李员会带你们到房间。Here's your key card. The bellboy will show you to your room.

可以,这是您的钥匙。服务员会带您到您的房间去。Yes, here's your key. The bellboy will take you to your room.