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我可以把椅子放下来吗?Can I recline my seat?

我是否可将座位向后倾倒?May I recline my seat?

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我的座椅怎样放斜呢?How should I recline my seat?

这两个座椅靠背放倒也。Both seat backs recline as well.

我把头靠在我柔软的枕头上。I recline my head on my soft pillow.

前后座位置能有斜倚。Front and Rear seat could recline position.

座位成45度倾角。Seats would recline to a luxurious 45 degrees.

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我们不应过多地依赖书本知识。We shouldn't recline too much upon book learning.

为增加乘客的舒适,后排座椅放倒12度。For added passenger comfort, rear seats recline 12 degrees.

在尽量向前或倾斜的位置安置座椅。Position the seatback in the full forward or full recline position.

你想小睡片刻时,可以把你的座位调节得向后仰一点。You may recline your seat a little when you want to have a quick nap.

服从神的旨意是最柔软的靠头枕。Submission to the divine will is the softest pillow on which to recline.

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尖轨支撑应倾斜到对面的表面从底部到顶部。Blade supports should recline on the opposite side surface on the bottom and top.

不要再等下去,更不要以绝望无助的姿态坐视不理,怨天尤人并不能解决问题。There is no need to recline and rest in mock desperation. Complaining does nothing.

所有商用飞机的座椅都可以斜靠,几乎全部是美国制造或者欧洲制造。All commercial planes have seats that recline and almost all are made in the US or Europe.

我的堂兄弟会靠在沙发上,我抓住一些机会就往他跟前凑。My cousin would recline on a couch, and I would seize some opportunity of edging up to him.

当波斯人第二天来到的时候,他使他们坐倒在草地上,大摆筵席宴请他们。So whenthe Persians came on the next day, he made them recline in a meadow and feastedthem.

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从女儿小鸟依人地斜倚老爸肩头挑衅的目光,我读懂了我的幸福。The innocent girl from her father's shoulders to recline provocative eyes, I read my happiness.

假如我如同现在这样谈话,这基本上是衰微,就像一位病人,或是准确地说,是衰微及死亡。If I speak as I do now, it's basically to recline like a sick man or, to be precise, to recline and die.

另外,树还得足够茂盛,这样躺在树叶中间不容易被发现。The tree's canopy must be dense enough for the Fohts to recline amid the leaves without being easily seen.