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我的父亲是位医生。My father is a physician.

世界上没有一成不变的东西。The inalterable routine of a physician.

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“我正是这么看的,”那医生说。"I judged no less," said the physician.

请洽询您的医师咨询。Please consult your physician for advice.

医生告诉我每顿饭后服两片药。The physician prescribed him some medicine.

随后,它又有了顾问医师的意思。Later it referred to a consulting physician.

“我很高兴听到这一点,”医生回答说。"I joy to hear it, " answered the physician.

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慧嘉的叔叔正学习成为一位内科医生。Huijia's uncle is studying to be a physician.

扁鹊是中国古代著名的内科医生。Bianque was a famous physician in ancient China.

或者医生建议你这样做Or a physician has recommended that you do that.

山西中医学院毕业,副主任医师。Shanxi College graduate, deputy chief physician.

与此同时,她母亲已和那医生搭话了。Meanwhile, her mother had accosted the physician.

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谢谢,大夫说道,看来我得这么做。Thanks, the physician said. I think I'll do that.

人到四十,若非蠢材,当知调摄。At forty every man is a fool or his own physician.

他插手干预医生和病人之间的事。He intervenes between the physician and the patient.

我是英国的呼吸科医生,觉得这篇文章很有意思。Interesting for me as a UK respiratory physician too.

医生来了,为他订明,就离开了。The physician came, prescribed for him, and went away.

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1991年参加工作,医学博士,副主任医师。To work in 1991, MD, deputy director of the physician.

这可能是从医生那里得到的最可怕的消息了。It is probably the most feared message from a physician.

在打算接受结肠镜检查前,请注意使你的医生明确有如下事项Tell a physician who is planning your colonoscopy if you