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这是你的自行车?Is this your bicycle?

你骑自行车吗?Do you ride a bicycle?

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那是谁的自行车?Whose bicycle is that?

我骑脚踏车去那儿。I got there by bicycle.

是个小型的自行车打气筒。It's mini bicycle pump.

他盖了一间自行车棚。He built a bicycle shed.

我骑着脚踏车上山。I pedaled my bicycle up.

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这辆车骑起来很轻快。The bicycle runs sweetly.

多菲有一辆红色自行车。Duo Fei has a red bicycle.

他把自行车借给我用了。He lent his bicycle to me.

之后,他就骑自行车出去了。He rode away on a bicycle.

如何撬开脚踏车锁?How to pick a bicycle lock?

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我喜欢电单车。I like electricity bicycle.

我的自行车有一个台胞了。My bicycle has a flat tire.

这脚踏车是艾咪的。The bicycle belongs to Amy.

你能帮我修修自行车吗?Could you repair my bicycle?

我买了一部连打气筒的自行车。Do you have a bicycle pump ?

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我常骑自行车。I ride a bicycle frequently.

她从自行车上摔了下来。She tumbled off her bicycle.

你的脚踏车需要修理。Your bicycle needs repairing.