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自动给谈判。Auto-Rate Negotiation.

谈判和协议。Negotiation and Agreement.

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谈判毫无结果。The negotiation got nowhere.

这次谈判毫无结果。The negotiation leads nowhere.

必须有一个参与人做出让步There could be a negotiation going on.

他在谈判中表现得很好。He fared quite well in the negotiation.

洽谈会一定要按时召开。The negotiation meeting must begin on time.

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这个商人在谈判中拗强固执。The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

对不起,我们是统一售价,不二价。Sorry , it is uniform price without negotiation.

客户协作重于合同谈判。Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

必须从协商学程中购买。Must be purchased from the Program on Negotiation.

就在此时有一场罢工谈判正在进行中There's a strike negotiation going on as we speak.

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你看出谈判过程中的不平衡了么?Do you see how unbalanced the negotiation process was?

在这节课中,我们将要绝交协商阶段。In this episode, we’ll focus on the negotiation phase.

Ury描述谈判犹如是影响力的一个练习。Ury describes negotiation as an exercise in influence.

这是一个阻碍两边对话的不切实际的空想。It is a myth that thwarts negotiation of the two sides.

寒喧后,谈判开始了。After greetings and some chatting, the negotiation begins.

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商务谈判是两个团体在凑在一起讨论。Negotiation is where two parties come together to discuss.

自装船日起15天或之前议付。Negotiation must be on or before the 15rh day of shipment.

分析了一个基于Agent的多边谈判实例。To analyze an example agent-based multi-lateral negotiation.