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这条河中鱼很多。Fish teem in the river.

这条河里鱼多。Fish teem in this river.

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这条河里有许多鱼…六、过去分词。fish teem in this river.

这条小河里鱼很多。Fish teem in this stream.

首先,我们去了天河城广场。First we went to Teem Plaza.

中国近海鱼产丰富。Fish teem in Chinese waters.

地球上的热带地区物种繁多。The earth's tropics teem with species.

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天河城是一个买东西的好地方。Teem Plaza is a great place for shopping.

城市近郊的山头上,到处可以看到样子丑陋的坟墓。Hills in the suburban of city teem with ugly tombs.

一天,彼得想搭地铁去天河城。One day, Peter wants to take the subway to Teem Mall.

顺便说一下,在澳大利亚海域似乎天河城广场与各种怪物。By the way, the waters off Australia seem to teem with all kinds of monsters.

1927年西北科学考察团对额济纳地区进行了较大规模的考察。In 1927 the northwest investigation teem investigated the area of Erjina massively.

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生物在众多不同的地形下,形成无限多样的生态。Creatures teem across a multitude of terrains, forming infinitely diverse ecologies.

地球的热带地区物种繁多,这里的生物种类远比地球上较寒冷的地方多得多。The earth’s tropics teem with species. They’re far more biologically diverse than the cooler parts of the planet.

区域内物产丰富,盛产茶叶、笋干、山核桃、药材、竹木等。The products inside area is rich, teem with tea, dried bamboo shoots, hickory, medicinal material, Zhu Mu to wait.

神说,水要多多滋生有生命的物,要有雀鸟飞在年夜地以上,天空之中。And God said, Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.

原来的商贸路线上重新出现了一队队的车辆,不过这一次他们运输的是原油、翡翠、士兵和日益增多的旅客们。Its trade routes once again teem with caravans, this time carrying crude oil, jade, soldiers and, increasingly, tourists.

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在法国要孩子相对比较容易,所以在巴黎随处可见外表入时、却已是几个孩子母亲的职场女性。Having children is relatively easy in France, one reason Paris seems to teem with stylish career women with several offspring.

满街都是各种型号和颜色的轿车、卡车、货车,穿梭行驶犹如一片风平浪静的车的海洋,也没有鸣笛声。The streets teem with cars, trucks and vans with all kinds of designs and colors running like a millpond, with no horns hooting.

相反,奥默罗德的全彩绘画,盛产一个充满爱心的两代人家庭的温暖和公平地从网页爆裂。Instead, Ormerod's full-color paintings teem with the warmth of a loving intergenerational family and fairly burst from the pages.