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他是一个大好人。He is a jolly good man.

“是很好,”雷克斯应道。"Jolly nice, " said Rex.

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快快乐乐地,过个圣诞吧。Have a holly, jolly Christmas!

这是一只多么小巧可爱的手啊!What a jolly little hand it was!

他是一个满肚子笑话的快乐汉。He was a jolly man full of jokes.

给他鼓鼓劲儿,把工作做完。Jolly him up and get the job done.

想知道为啥我的海盗旗这么高兴么?。Wanna know why me Roger is so jolly?

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我知道她在努力使我高兴。I know she's trying to jolly me along.

有个快乐的流浪汉,宿在水塘旁。Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong.

快乐的骑士在马上英姿飒爽。Full jolly knight he seemd, and faire did sith.

我说看起来海蜇应该是。I mean it seems to me they jolly well should be.

从前有个快乐的流浪汉。Once a jolly swagman camped beside a baillabong.

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上午好。快活房产公司。需要帮忙吗?Good morning. Jolly Estate Agency.Can I help you?

那么,把它放在你的剑鞘里,快活的绿色匪盗。Well, keep it in your quiver, Jolly Green Bandit.

就像一个非常令人头晕目眩的东西,从没有,到一次,三次Just like a jolly dizzy for zero, one, three times

但就算是今年,也仍然有欢乐的时刻。Yet even this year, there are still jolly moments.

有些人的确有着欢乐的生活,但其他的人却没有。Some indeed have a jolly life, others simply don't.

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警察是在突袭快活酒店时逮捕我的。I was arrested in a raid on Jolly Hotel,” Paiko said.

大家都喝得晕乎乎的,等饭菜端上来时就都哇啦哇啦地唱。Everybody was jolly singing by the time the food arrived.

嗯,我想他是一个相当快活的人,戴一顶大帽子。Oh, I think he 's quite a jolly person wearing a large hat.