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一句我爱你。把我哄得好开心。I love you. Wheedle me into a good time.

她花言巧语地骗他多付了一天钱。She managed to wheedle an extra day's pay out of him.

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那个女人可以哄骗你做任何她想要你做的事儿。That woman can wheedle you into doing anything she wants.

抱歉打扰了,不过珍,惠锋正在等着见您。Sorry to interrupt, but Jane Wheedle is waiting to see you.

你认为自己能给父亲说好话,让他给我们出飞机票钱吗?Do you think you can wheedle Father into paying for our flight?

而弗·斯科特是真的爱路易斯还是只是想通过她进入常春藤联盟呢?And is Scott just trying to wheedle his way into the Ivy League?

你好,我是优达因的迪克·理查。我要找珍·铎,麻烦你。Hello, this is Dick Richards from Yoyodyne. May I please speak with Jane Wheedle ?

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比尔达特哄骗我们国家列克星敦那一带的长住民和马场训练员。Bildad wheedle the stable men and the trainers from the horse farms in our country around Lexington.

哈利自己有过太多从不情愿的人嘴里套取信息的经历,不会认不出一个行家。He, Harry, had had too much experience of trying to wheedle information out of reluctant people not to recognize a master at work.

如果朝鲜真的同意重返六方会谈,那么经济上的不景气和从中美两国骗取更多援助的机会可能就是它改变主意的原因。If North Korea does agree, economic distress and the opportunity to wheedle more aid out of China and the U.S. may explain this change of heart.