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剑劈开了骑士的头盔并致命地刺进他。The Sword split the Knight's helmet and bit him fatally.

戴安娜用她那猎人独具的眼神死死盯住她的目标。Diana's expert hunter's eye fastens fatally on her target.

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莱斯特被控射杀36岁的罗纳德东施拉特。Lester is accused of fatally shooting 36-year-old Ronald E.

我对贝壳类海鲜,有致命性的过敏。I have a fatally allergic reaction towards any seafood that has shells.

如果多数党派委曲求全,默克尔势力也将削弱,也许是致命的。If the majority buckles, Mrs Merkel would be weakened, perhaps fatally.

在其临床进程则是快速且致命的,具有扩散性侵犯及早期转移现象。The clinical course is fatally fulminant with diffuse invasion and early metastasis.

今年4月,一位61岁的老人因女儿的负债问题而服毒自尽。In April, a 61 year-old man fatally poisoned himself because of his daughter's debts.

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据称该女子用水果刀刺杀邓贵大致死,并刺伤黄。It's alleged the woman used a fruit knife to fatally stab Deng Guida and injure Huang.

既然新博物馆本身籍籍无名,自然它的展会命名会很引人注目。Their titles need to be catchy because the name “New Museum” is itself fatally generic.

在一个情况下,作为在另一方面,将是致命的席卷就由优势的冲动。In the one case as in the other, the will is fatally swept on by the preponderant impulse.

在上周五的奔牛活动中至少一人被顶死,周日时另有两人身受重伤。At least one person was fatally gored during Friday's run and two were seriously hurt Sunday.

这也许是因为非宗教即是尘世,而我很不幸地信仰虚无。It may be the metaphor of that the unreligious is mortal , but I believe in nihility fatally.

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要是处在格列高的地位,他可能会张皇失措,沉吟着无所作为而贻误挽救。In Gregor's shoes he might have panicked, doubted what was happening, and fatally failed to act.

不要过分的沉迷于你的激情当中,以至于你投入和付诸行动的是一个存在致命缺陷的想法。Don't get so caught up in your passion that you jump in and take action on a fatally flawed idea.

其中补偿度是重要因素之一,补偿度越高,次同步谐振发生的危险性越大。One of them is compensating degree, and higher is the compensation, more fatally the SSR happened.

骨髓移植时,捐赠者的骨髓细胞可能攻击接受者的组织,通常会致命。In bone-marrow transplants, the donor's marrow cells may attack the recipient's tissues, often fatally.

虽然不大可能所有地方都是一个密度,但已经足够危险,事实上是致命的。There's hardly anything there, but nevertheless it's enough to be dangerous and in fact fatally dangerous.

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更重要的是,他认为通用汽车高管所青睐的精打细算方式有致命缺陷。Above all, he thought, the super-analytical approach favoured by GM's senior management was fatally flawed.

但当第二季结束时,他刺死了前搭档兼高中以来的挚友。But at the conclusion of Season Two, he fatally stabs his former partner and best friend since high school.

血蔷薇腥甜的芬芳梦魇般致命地绽放在他手心。All fatally the sweet fragrance given out by the bloody rosebush, as a nightmare, bloomed right in his palm.