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莫尼塔首席宏观经济学家马青表示。Not Nita chief macro economic scientist Ma Qing expressed.

妮塔希望有一天能遇上一位白马王子,但现在她只要保持无忧无虑的单身生活。Nita would like to get involved with Mr. Right some day, but just now she would prefer to.

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从得梅因市来的尼塔布劳厄每年都来这个集市观看雕塑家达菲莱恩的这一作品。Nita Brower, the city of Des Moines comes to the fair every year to see the work of sculptor Duffy Lyon.

妮她索兰基,一位古吉拉特不可接触贱民新娘穿上了婚衣,可能是她第一次穿这样精致的衣服。The garb worn by Nita Solanki, an Untouchable bride in Gujarat, is perhaps the finest she will ever put on.

戈弗雷·菲利普斯执行副总裁妮塔·卡普尔说,万宝路是按菲利普莫里斯的质量标准制成的。Godfrey Philips executive V-P Nita Kapoor said Marlboro is being made as per Philip Morris quality standards.

「这块地区仍然维持天然野生的状态,并且在生态上密切相关,」WWF的妮塔˙玛嘉妮说。"This is an area that is still in its natural state and is ecologically connected, " said Nita Murjani of WWF.

说到这就是一个未知领域他和他的同事们准备去了解它更多过于探索。The skin has been he says terra incog nita an unknown world that he and his colleagues hae set out to understand much like explorers.

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玛嘉妮表示,在这个月,三国已经召开第一次的实际工作会议,预料有关单位很快就会开始将这一愿景付诸实行。The three nations held their first working-level meeting this month and officials are expected to start implementing the vision immediately, Ms Nita said.

如果第九层的设计主题包含了金属,木头或水晶,那么绝不能用在第十一层。At the request of Nita Ambani, say the designers, if a metal, wood or crystal is part of the ninth-floor design, it shouldn't be used on the eleventh floor, for example.

如果第九层的设计主题包含了金属,木头或水晶,那么绝不能用在第十一层。At the request of Nita Ambani, say the designers, if a metal, wood or crystal is part of the ninth-floor design, it shouldn’t be used on the eleventh floor, for example.

印度国际经济关系研究院的贸易分析人士塔尼加警告,光有最惠国贸易协定对扩大商业是不够的。Trade analyst Nita Taneja at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations warns that favorable trade accords alone are insufficient to boost commerce.

融合环保与她的文化,印尼设计师妮塔也使用改过的传统纱笼染布,设计了一套称为“拯救我的森林”的服装。Fusing environmentalism with her culture indonesian designer nita azhar also used reclaimed traditionally dyed sarong known as batik to put together an outfit named "save my forest".