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1915年,他被授予的爵士爵位,但在1919年阿姆利则惨案后,他毅然拒绝了这个荣誉。In 1915, he was knighted but repudiated the honour in 1919 after the Amritsar Massacre.

电影展示大量有关的场面,影片背景设在果亚阿姆利则的海滨度假区。They are quite lavish. The setting is Amritsar with a holiday on the beachfront in Goa.

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1919年,印度有一万人在阿密萨集会抗议英国的暴君统治。In 1919, in India, 10,000 people gathered in Amritsar to protest the tyranny of British rule.

阿姆利则的金色寺庙是世界上2千万锡克教信徒的精神中心。The Golden Temple in Amritsar serves as the spiritual center for the world's 20 million Sikhs.

在印度城市阿姆利则,米亚清真寺前的水池倒映着一个男孩经过的身影。A pond captures the reflection of a boy passing the Jamia mosque in the Indian city of Amritsar.

在那里,哪怕是一颗走火的子弹,都会酿成一场类似阿姆瑞则大屠杀式的大灾难。There, a single bullet carelessly fired could precipitate a disaster along the lines of the Amritsar massacre.

奥巴马此次并未将印度北部城市阿姆利泽锡克教圣地—金阁寺列入目的地之一,据白宫的说法是行程过满,有些人对此表示莫大的失望。Some are disappointed by Obama's decision not to visit Sikhism's holiest shrine, the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

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在阿默尔特萨尔的最后几天里,时光仿佛永远不会流逝似的,喜马拉雅山对我的召唤实在太过强烈了。The last few days at Amritsar seemed as if they would never pass, the call of the Himalayas was so strong upon me.

印度的新闻报道星期二说,奥巴马总统参观阿姆利则金庙的计划被取消。Indian news reports on Tuesday said a reported plan for Mr. Obama to visit The Golden Temple in Amritsar had been dropped.

我们离开鲍尔普尔,一路上在萨希尔甘杰、迪纳普尔、阿拉哈巴德和坎普尔都有短暂的停留,最后在阿默尔特萨尔停了下来。We left Bolpur and making short halts on the way at Sahebganj, Dinapore, Allahabad and Cawnpore we stopped at last at Amritsar.

阿姆利则,打扮成印度教湿婆神的男子等着参加“建摩斯达密节”前夜,克利须那神生日的游行。man dressed as Hindu god Lord Shiva waits to take part in a procession on the eve of 'Janmashtami', the birth of Lord Krishna, in Amritsar

阿姆利则曾经被认为是此次印度之行的一站,其他城市还包括孟买和新德里,奥巴马总统预计还将在印度议会发表讲话。Amritsar was believed to be on the itinerary, along with Mumbai, and New Delhi where Mr. Obama is expected to address the Indian parliament.

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尽管这是优一集团的第一条作业系统,他们正与印度国家政府进行谈判,以给新德里和阿姆利则建起类似的系统。While this is ULTra's first working system, they are in talks with the Indian state governments to bring a similar system to Delhi and Amritsar.

从边境再往前20英里就到了印度城市阿姆利则,夜幕已经降临,但是这里的交通比拉合尔更为糟糕。Another 20 miles from the border is the Indian city of Amritsar. Darkness was already falling and the traffic, if anything, was even worse than Lahore.

从阿姆利则到伦敦希斯罗机场的航班只允许携带20公斤的行李,打包后,我的自行车就有这么重。Only 20kgs of luggage were allowed on the flight from Amritsar to London Heathrow. Once packed in cardboard boxes my bike nearly weighed that on its own.

我1984年指挥了蓝星行动,我们进入阿姆利则金寺秘密袭击了极端分子,从此以后我一直身受威胁。"I commanded operation Bluestar in 1984 when we went into the Golden Temple in Amritsar to secretly attacked on the extremists. And ever since then I have been under threat".