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你觉得这配一件迷你裙怎么样?。How do you think it gose with a miniskirt?

你觉得这配一件迷你裙怎么样?How do you think it goes with a miniskirt?

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模特身上展示的这条迷你裙在哪儿?Where is the miniskirt displayed on the manikin?

模特儿身上展示的这条迷你裙在哪儿?。Where is the miniskirt displayed on the manikin?

一个GG不小心刮开了一个MM的超短裙。GG carelessly pared off to open a miniskirt of MM.

外面太冷了,我不能穿迷你裙。It's cold outside. I just can't wear my miniskirt.

她结婚时竟穿了条迷你裙,太不像话了!She wears a miniskirt to her wedding. It's outrageous.

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我想买一双高筒靴来配这件迷你裙。I want to buy a pair of tall boots to go with this miniskirt.

因此,如果我们都可以,我们才能既而穿着超短裙?So if we can be both, can we be both while wearing a miniskirt?

配上平底靴,迷你裙穿在身上就显得既时髦又不至于太招摇。Paired with flat boots, a miniskirt can be chic and understated.

当然,然后你应该穿上超短裙去街上秀给别人看。Sure, then you should get a miniskirt so you can really show it off.

我是说,有个女孩穿毛皮迷你裙和高跟长统靴来上班。I mean, one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots.

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搭配皮夹克的是黑色的迷你裙和经典的红底高跟鞋。A black miniskirt and Christian Louboutin heels completed the singer's look.

一天,一个身着紧身迷你裙的女子在公车站等车。One day, at a bus stop there was a girl who was wearing a skintight miniskirt.

一个女士从酒吧里出来,穿着超短裙和高跟鞋而没有穿内衣裤。A woman goes out to a club wearing stilettos and a miniskirt with no underwear.

是的,女生们穿紧身短袖衬衫和低腰迷你裙。Yes, for girls there are tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt and low waist miniskirt.

简单、干净,让那些死亡金属T恤或超短裙待在衣柜里吧。Keep it simple and clean. Leave the death metal t-shirt or the miniskirt in the closet.

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家长们为此感到困惑,他们很可能会在店员的劝说下买条亮粉色的豹纹迷你裙。Confused parents might be pursuaded to buy the leopard-print miniskirt if it's bright pink.

家长们为此感到困惑,他们很可能会在店员的劝说下买条亮粉色的豹纹迷你裙。Confused parents might be pursuaded to buy the leopard-print miniskirt if it’s bright pink.

你觉得购物街的那些女生们穿上迷你裙,大秀她们美丽有型的腿,是为了什么?Why do you think the girl at the mall is wearing a miniskirt that shows off her shapely legs?