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赫兹压服口风。Hz squelch tone.

语气是要命。Tone was awsome.

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视频拨号音?。VDT? Video Dial Tone?

没有拨号音。There is no dial tone.

我听不到拨号音。I can't get a dial tone.

彩铃英语,什么是彩铃?。What is a Ringback Tone?

听到拨号音了吗?Did you hear a dial tone?

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支持mp3和弦铃声。MP3 polyphonic ring tone.

这儿不能用升调。Arising tone can not use here.

这个钟有优美的音色。The bell has a beautiful tone.

医生的语气很严肃。The doctor's tone was serious.

你最好缓和一下你的口气。You'd better modify your tone.

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你的铃音简直要把我逼疯了!Your ring tone drives me nuts!

鞋子真的能塑形?Can Shoes Really Tone the Body?

崁入式音质调整钮。Hiding knob of tone adjustment.

我受够了你这种“垂怜“的口气!I'm over your patronizing tone.

还有一个关于政治基调的问题。There is also an issue of tone.

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视频拨号音服务?。VDTS? Video Dial Tone Services?

应该使用什么语气来回复?What kind of tone should I use?

请用友好的语气讲话。Please speak in a friendly tone.