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北京好啊。是中国的首都嘛!Pekin is very good. It is the capital of China.

伦敦的店铺和北京的一样,陈设讲究。The shops of london are as well furnished as those of Pekin.

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伦敦的商铺与那些北京的商铺装饰的是一样的。The shops of London are as well furnished as thoese of Pekin.

贝京镇七月四日庆祝大会始于1830年。The first Pekin Fourth of July celebration took place in 1830.

1977年毕业于北京大学技术物理系。Graduated from the Dept. of Technical Physics of Pekin University in 1977.

北京艺门画廊很高兴为名和晃平举办他在中国的首次个展。Pekin Fine Arts is pleased to present Kohei Nawa's first solo exhibition in China.

北京艺门画廊很高兴为陈丽云举办她在北京的首次个展。Pékin Fine Arts is pleased to present Movana Chen's first solo exhibition in Beijing.

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2005年我开始了自己的北京艺门画廊,那时,我已经在中国待了整整20年。In 2005 I stated ran myself Pekin Fine Arts, then I had been stayed in China twenty year.

科利诺将军跨过桥,进入右边通往北京的道路,从逃亡者获得的方向。General Collineau crosses the bride and enters the road to Pekin on the right, in the direction taken by the fugitives.

北京鸭胸肌纤维密度显著高于樱桃谷鸭,胸腿肌纤维直径显著低于樱桃谷鸭。Pekin ducks'muscle fiber density was higher than Cherry Valley ducks, Cherry Valley ducks'muscle fiber diameter was higher than Pekin duck.

北京人大约生活在公元前460,000年到230,000年之间,能够用火,并能制造石头工具,是早期旧石器时期人类的一个好实例。PeKin man , lived from 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC, who could use fire and can make the tools from stone is a good example for early Old Stone Age men.

以大体解剖和组织切片方法观察了8例北京鸭的心神经丛和心神经节的分布与构造。The distribution and structure of the cardiac ganglia and nerve plexuses of 8 Pekin ducks were studied by using methods of gross anatomy and histology.

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他此次在北京艺门画廊展出的三件视频新作都意在透过社会和环境的表面变化去揭露其背后隐藏的东西。The new video works Qingsong presents today at Pekin Fine Arts all look beyond obvious societal and environmental changes, to uncover what lies beneath.

这个住宅院落也被称为‘丹麦博览会’,位于北京饭店和使馆区北面几百码,接近皇宫。The Danish Mess, as the residential compound was called, was located a few hundred yards north of the Hôtel de Pékin and the Legation Quarter, close to Imperial Palace.

综合以上试验结果得出,北京鸭饲粮中烟酸与色氨酸之间的互作关系表现在饲粮烟酸水平对色氨酸需要量产生显著影响。In conclusion, the interrelationship between niacin and tryptophan in diets is supported by significant effects of dietary niacin on tryptophan requirement of Pekin ducks.

陈丽云将用一组与艺术有关但用不同语言出版、来自不同文化背景的杂志为她在“北京艺门”的第一个项目创作一个大型的建筑结构体。For her first project at Pékin Fine Arts, Ms. Chen will create a monumental structure using an assortment of art related magazines of various languages and cultural backgrounds.

伦敦的那些商铺弄一幅画悬挂在他们的门后,告知顾客他们所出售的缗物品,就像北京的那些商铺会放一块木板使他们的顾客了解他们没有欺骗的意图。Those eof London have a picture hung at their door, informing the passengers what they have tosell, as those at Pekin have a board to assure the buyer that they have no intention to cheathim.

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伦敦的那些商铺弄一幅画悬挂在他们的门后,告知顾客他们所出售的物品,就像北京的那些商铺会放一块木板使他们的顾客了解他们没有欺骗的意图。Those of London have a picture hung at their door, informing the passengers what they have to sell, as those at Pekin have a board to assure the buyer that they have no intention to cheat him.