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我的包是满的。My bag's full.

它盛得满满的。It is 'quite full.

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你的包是满的吗?Are your bags full?

有一个满行?We got a full line?

有时候它是满的。Sometimes it’s full.

点击这里看大图。View full size here.

作了全部赔偿。Full amends was made.

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我要全额退费。I want a full refund.

记忆体有可能满了。Memory might be full.

棒球是我的爱好。My mom is full Pinay.

唐克,全速前进。Tank, all ahead full.

这是一个装满水的杯子。This is a full glass.

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她的全名是什么?What's her full name?

全文如下。The full text follows.

浴盆里的水还满着。The tub is still full.

他们全是胡说八道。They are full of crap.

我们的房间已经住满了。All our rooms are full.

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所有的出租车都满了。All the taxis are full.

他的鬼点子真多。He's full of bad ideas.

我敢打赌,钟满是双向飞碟。I bet, bell full skeet.