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莫丽费森出现在门口。Maleficent appears in the door.

带有国家规定检疫对象的有害生物的。With maleficent organism quarantined by the national.

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只感知“有害接触”并拒之门外。Sense only the "maleficent contacts" and shut them out.

莫丽菲森和她的黑乌鸦满意的看着这一幕。Maleficent and her raven watch the scene with deep satisfaction.

我又没做坏事,怎么会有人搜我?I am done not have again maleficent , how meeting somebody search me?

希望那个人不要拿我的照片去做坏事就好了。The photograph that hopes then the individual does not take me goes maleficent good.

梅尔菲森对爱、善良或帮助别人而带来的乐趣一无所知。Maleficent doesn't know anything about love or kindness or the joy of helping others.

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食物纤维可以促进有益菌的增殖,并抑制有害菌的产生。Food fiber may accelerate increase of good bacteria, and withhold maleficent bacteria.

人体肠道有益菌群和有害菌群的共生与捕食关系影响着人体健康。Relation of intergrowth and prey of good bacteria and maleficent bacteria in human body have and effect for body health.

在这个行业里面,谁都不想去做坏事,谁也不想做伤害用户感受的事情。Inside this industry, everybody does not want to go maleficent , everybody does not want to do the business that harm user experiences.

黄光裕给大家的教训是,所谓资本游戏高手,永远不要在市场做坏事惹众怒。The lesson that Huang Guangyu gives authority is, ace of so-called capital game, do not be in forever the market is maleficent provoke numerous anger.

有害菌群产生大量毒素,当有害菌在肠道生态系统中占有绝对优势时,会使体内器官产生重大疾病。Maleficent bacteria can cause mass toxin, when maleficent bacteria of intestinal ecosystem take absoluteness vantage, can cause grave disease for body organ.