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檃“drowsy”是什么意思?。What does "drowsy" mean?

你在工作时昏昏欲睡?Are you feeling drowsy at work?

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大吃大喝会让你昏昏欲睡。Large meals can make you drowsy.

我不觉得昏昏欲睡或疲倦。I don’t feel drowsy or tired at all.

你有时系�车既时候觉得好眼�。I sometimes feel drowsy while driving.

到处是一片小虫的催眠似的嗡嗡声。All around was a drowsy hum of insects.

为什么一些药物让人发困?Why do some medications make people drowsy?

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想象你自己昏昏欲睡的,尝试自我催眠。Imagining yourself drowsy Try self-hypnosis.

当他听音乐时,他感到困倦。He felt drowsy when he was listening to music.

睡眠时间变长,白天容易犯困。Sleep more and feel drowsy during the daytime.

亚伯拉罕独自思考了一会儿,不久就打起瞌睡来。Left to his reflections Abraham soon grew drowsy.

它阻挡腺苷,腺苷是一种使你昏昏欲睡的化学物质。It blocks adenosine, a chemical that makes you drowsy.

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废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache.

我刚刚吃过午饭,感到有点昏昏欲睡。I had just eaten my lunch. I was feeling somewhat drowsy.

马上,你会开始感到头晕,然后昏昏欲睡。In a moment, you'll begin to feel light-headed, then drowsy.

每年造成超过100000昏昏欲睡驾车撞车。Each year drowsy driving causes more that 100000 car crashes.

昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头吓唬邋遢的乌鸦。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

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昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头恐吓邋遢的乌鸦。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

在试验中,动物注射催乳素立即会变得昏昏欲睡。In tests, animals injected with prolactin became drowsy immediately.

如果你因为服用药物而感到昏昏欲睡,要告诉管理人员。Inform the administrator if you are on medication that makes you drowsy.