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这就是每年的猎户座流星雨。This is the annual Orionid meteor shower.

一道流星,倏然而逝。A meteor shot across the sky and vanished.

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你看见昨晚的流星了吗?Did you spot the meteor yesterday evening?

就向流星许个愿望,让你知道我爱你。He can tell you one about the meteor story.

真减半的鸟嘴如流星般挤进来。The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill.

在目标位置创造陨石雨。Call down a meteor shower on target location.

每当他施放贼星时注重看你的愤恨。Watch your aggro every time he does a meteor.

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从速看看流星告诉的怎么样了?As soon as possible to see the meteor tell how?

流星争锋故乡还有缘以及披星。First meteor hometown and margins and with stars.

流星雨测者看数目。Usually Lyrid meteor watchers see only a drizzle.

因为这年的流星雨成为迄今为止最为壮观的。It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date.

流星雨是最富浪漫色彩的天象奇观。Meteor shower is one of the most romantic spectacle Sky.

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流星象一道闪光划过夜空。Like a flash of lightming, the meteor shot across the sky.

流星像一道闪光划过天空。Like a flash of lightning, the meteor shot across the sky.

这些彗星似地残骸——些许的冰片——就是流星雨。This cometary debris – bits of ice – create a meteor shower.

每年,人们都很期盼英仙座流星雨。Every year, people look forward to the Perseid meteor shower.

查看一下英仙座流星雨的历史和科学知识。Check out the science and history of the Perseid meteor shower.

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贾森·蒂格将不经历流星雨之后幸存。It sounds like Jason Teague will not survive the meteor shower.

那漫天的绚烂烟火宛如流星,缤纷绚丽,耀眼迷人。The sky like a meteor fireworks, colorful, bright and charming.

说完流星带着长长的光尾再次划过漆黑的夜空。Meteor finished with the long-tail again across the dark night sky.