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哦,公证员什么时候来?When can the surveyor come?

乌韦兰格是一个48岁的验船师。Uwe Lange is a 48-year-old surveyor.

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测量员用木桩标出那块土地的界限。The surveyor pegged out that plot of land.

蒙特哥摩利中尉是个不错的测量员。Lieutenant Montgomerie was a good surveyor.

这是中国船验局的验船师。I'm the surveyor from ZC Register of shipping.

要取得现场验船师的满意。To the satisfaction of the attending surveyor.

土地测量员没想到会是这样一个结局。The surveyor had not expected such a dénouement.

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检验工作必须由公认的商检员来进行。Inspection must be conducted by recognize surveyor.

当时,这名测量员正准备返回自己的车,忽然看到不远处有一头北极熊。The surveyor was returning to his car, when he saw the beast.

你的验船师也应该给你关于船价值的建议。Your surveyor should also advise you on the value of the boat.

土地测量员叹了口气,离开了兵站。The surveyor heaved a sigh and made his way out of the station.

请您请一位验船师和一位船厂工程师来船好吗?Could you invite a surveyor and a shipyard engineer to come on board.

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“这当然是个林子”土地测量员想,“我前面害怕了!"It certainly is a forest, " thought the surveyor. "I was frightened!

K是以土地测量员的名义来到了村庄,准备丈量那个不知名的城堡。K. is named Land Surveyor to the Castle and he arrives in the village.

本地的海务监督应该能在这方面帮上忙。The local Marine Surveyor should be able to assist in this connection.

“勘测者3号”两年前在右下角的黑点处着陆。Surveyor 3 had landed two years earlier in the dark smudge at lowerright.

房屋鉴定人彻底察看了房子以后,劝我们不要买。The surveyor went over the house thoroughly and advised us not to buy it.

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先后做过质量检查员、施工员及项目负责人。I had been a quality surveyor , construction member and principal of item.

我知道了,我会申请再检查。船级检查已经完成。I see. I'll ask for a re-inspection. The class surveyor has already finisher.

你们知道吗?乔治华盛顿当选总统之前是一个测量师。Did you know that George Washington was a surveyor before he became President?