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你是不爱梅兰妮的。You don’t love Melanie.

是,她的名字是麦兰妮。Yes, her name is Melanie.

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我要和美兰妮结婚了。I'm going to marry Melanie.

艾希礼将同媚兰·汉密尔顿结婚了!Ashley to marry Melanie Hamilton!

媚兰侧身躺在床上,脸色像白纸一样。Melanie lay on her side, her face white.

祝贺梅兰妮,丹尼尔和蔡先生。Congratulations Daniel, Melanie & Mr Cai.

然而,金姆,向女警们为梅勒妮辩称。Kim, however, defends Melanie to the officer.

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你自己去好了,帮我向梅勒妮说声抱歉。You go without me, and make my excuses to Melanie.

梅拉妮许诺第二天上午给他们打电话。Melanie promised that she would call them in the morning.

没有人会爱上象梅拉妮那样的小耗子模样。Noboby could, not with a mousy little person like Melanie.

媚兰·威尔克斯告诉医生,如果是为了我们的事业,这没什么。Melanie Wilkes told the doctor that if it's for the benefit

“我们一个人拖一条腿把他拖去。”媚兰果断地说。"We'll both take a leg and drag him, " said Melanie firmly.

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今天才刚隆重开幕,卡拉和梅拉妮也在里面迷路了。Today was the grand opening and Karla and Melanie were lost.

大卫和麦兰妮是约翰和莎拉的儿子和女儿。David and Melanie are the son and daughter of John and Sarah.

约翰和莎拉是大卫和麦兰妮的妈妈和爸爸。John and Sarah are the mother and father of David and Melanie.

“等等我!”梅拉妮尖声叫道,“我可不要一个人待在这里。”Wait for me! ' Melanie squawked. 'I'm not staying here alone. '

㗽“等等我!”梅拉尼粗声抗议道,“我不想一个人呆在这里。”Wait for me! " Melanie squawked. "I'm not staying here alone. "

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梅勒妮拦住了她,金姆冲口而出,将丹不会回来的消息讲了出来。Melanie stops her and Kim blurts out that Dan isn’t coming back.

可是媚兰身体这样娇弱,她一定经不起两天的折磨。Melanie was so delicate. She couldn't stand two days of this pain.

没人会怀疑美兰妮是不诚恳的,是吗,亲爱的?Nobody could accuse Melanie of being insincere . Could they, my dear?